Giving up on an Opportunity – to do “Housekeeping”

After maxing out the Hylian Tunic in Breath of the Wild, in a couple of hours of play, I felt so empty. So the tunic gives 32 armor, with they Hylian Cloak and Pants that is 72 armor (20, 32, 20). So What? I can take on a Lynlell (if I can get my controls working and I have a camera Angle just right for doing Counters and Dodges… I really want a minecraft with BOTW/Hayao Miyazaki graphics).

There is a Product, Wifi based payment system for the Internet. I believe it will change the way ISP get accounts and users since it’s not anymore Bottle-necked by the Installers installing Internet Cable house to house. The installers will just set up a Weatherproof Wifi 6, and all the subscribers will just use repeaters in their homes.

This will never be as good as Wired Internet, but it’s great for identifying heavy users and find clusters of power-users who are willing to pay more for the internet. I want to partner up and use my family’s business Slack Manpower and Idle Capital (switches, Wireless APs, 40GB fiber cables pulled out from Sites) to Give the business partner the ability to Deploy Enterprise grade projects.

I believe that If I can make this a Product for my Partner, ISPS will grow to Want to upgrade their Data Centers, Where we come in. Where I will teach and show them how to have Tier I to Tier II redundancy and set their Downtime as Scheduled Preventive Maintenance. 

But I’m sure mom would tell me to focus on my more frustrating job, getting cooperation and operations in order. The conflict arises is that “Housekeeping” is a priority but never as a priority as bringing money into the Company, which is Operations. While Housekeeping is secondary in priority to Operations. So whenever it’s between housekeeping and making money – making money earns respect and “Immunity.”

I may have to say goodbye to this opportunity even when Its one of those things where I get to apply my IT, Biz Planning, Marketing, and Sales Capabilities.

You can see my conflict here: “I want to earn respect” by making money and not purely housekeeping, but I’m relegated to Housekeeping and letting others Make the money and cover up their mistakes. I know my parents respect money more than anything. Money is Power, and as kind, studious, considerate, communicative, etc… all the virtues my parents espoused to us kids growing up – but Money is POWER. And in my family Money is respect. When you make money, the criticisms are fewer, people complain but “they bring in the big bucks” 

You can see it in the behavior, its money you can’t say no to money (more accurately Profit). The exceptions where the money is not important is hiring me instead of someone more professional (although given our track record when we hired a Director to run our BPO at Multinational rates x3 the salary of Directors in the Philippines, it was run to the ground).

ISO 9001, Studying PMBOK, Studying RHEL SysAdmin, organizing the Operations. All Housekeeping. I could probably give the TOC Throughput model of the company and it will be considered Housekeeping. I can build a Money Machine and it will always be secondary to closing the deal (my Dad’s influence is that Deal-making will always be more important than a good product, you can sell as a SHITTY product if your good in deal-making). Ethically I’m not sure I don’t know how much more my subconscious can take. My Sleep score is terrible and bothered by little things I thought I’m too much of an adult to be bothered with.

What my Values are money is a means to an End. the Metrics of where my money goes: family, and studies. What Luxuries I have is to please my Family. Even for our income level, we are less opulent than much of our peers. The largest costs for our family is Education: mine and our kids. Prior to the kids, the Wife’s studies abroad. I’m not saying this that there is a reward for the Asceticism and Frugality, its just that my not spending in Power Projecting Status Symbols or hoarding materials reflects my values of what money is for. (My parents think my certifications are stupid).

If ever more money were to come, (which I’ll have once my Hepa B meds move from 170usd a month to 30usd a month), I’m spending it on IT HOMELAB.

I tell my Son: Be the guy who builds the Robots that Makes the Robots, That makes the Robots, that Makes the Robots… because His Dad was the Guy who built the Data Centers and Automation, that Imbued the First Set of Robots with Intelligence and flexibility.

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