Trying to Fit my Life into 2TB

I’ve begun the slow process of trying to move my life into 2TB.
I have two external 2TB drives which I plan to software RAID1 my 2x 2TB drives.
I also have 1 internal 1TB and plan to get a second (will cost 42 usd or 2,000php), for RAID1 as well.
Its a painfully slow process in a 2009 PC, with no USB 3.0 slots.

I bought a PCIE to usb since I have one such slot and hope this works and I can connect the HDDs here.

I need to learn to use SMB (samba) and have these drives available on the network.
when I can successfully backup my drives and boot partition image, and can easily restore my computer easily to its previous states I can proceed to experiment with other systems.

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