Years of Experience as Multiclass Levels

Talking to my Mentor i learned that the Engineer who is a graduate and a board passer has a starting salary of 18,000php which translates roughly to 350usd. A sales, particularly in our company, is typically an Engineering Graduate, has a starting salary of 16,000php. Our HR keeps us at market rate, which means we have a high attrition of almost 5% every year.  

The Annual Increase cannot below the Inflation rate (which fluctuates at 3-6%) pegging it at 5% on AVERAGE seem to work and look reasonable. The highest rate of increase as allowed is typically 10% per year. 
So Now I have the years of experience as Class Levels. 
The Job Description and Company as the Class. 
The Company as another factor of the Class that gives conditional advantage. 

Our company may have 38 years of experience (at 2019), and can train a lot of the personnel. But as being AVERAGE market rate, we lose a lot of our personnel every year to those ABOVE the pay curve. A Multinational and Institutional Company – one that has the years of experience and HIGH retention is the Long Term Goal. 

Each YEAR can be broken down to SKILLS and Accomplishments. For the Engineer and for the Sales, it would be academic and useful to define a piece of work (the origin of the word Masterpiece; but now is a Case study or Practical Exercise). 
Since Monitoring at a Team Level can easily be emasured in a weekly basis, its possible to use LAST YEARS accomplishments and cycles to plan what accomplishment and abilities can be reasonably achieved. 

This is Character Class Making “As-you-GO” the way a GM plays with a Custom Character class and then balances it out periodically when things are not to scale. Unlike GMing, this involves money, particularly PAY, with the Limiter of time and what can be verfied. So its possible to evalute the personnel if the Supervisor or Leader or In-Charge is allowed to have the 20 hours of initial management training and the 1 hour per person per week needed to measure and consolidate the Accomplishments. 

This is an Academic Exercise, but has a STRONG practical application. Sadly when your losing money and not performing you will be firefighting and unable to do the course correction needed to maintain the high performance and solvency. 
Lets break this Down. 
20% is the contribution of Skill Overall. Over a month or a Year, skill factors 20%. This is to be differentiated from when we are looking at a DEAL itself. When you are looking at a DEAL skill has a greater influence. 
Skills contributing work in the following Way
  1. Requirements Gathering or Information Gathering
    1. Active Listening. The ability to make the person feel like your listening by giving feedback and responses that illicit more information. Appearing engaged is 80% of Active Listening. 20% is the other skills comming into play.
    2. Note Taking. Note taking helps Active listening because when you take out a notebook you LOOK ENGAGED. Of course being able to take good notes is a real skill and when dicussion is 200 words per minute (so a 10 minute discussion is 2000 words, or a 90 minute meeting is a lot of communciation that needs to be boiled down/processed to quality) and so much complexity happens you will be finding yourself writing either: Constraint/Criteria or ACTION. In the discussions people are distracted and have not processed their thoughts to clear Criteria or Action. So the Note taker has to be able to process this and write at around 10 words a minute.  
    3. Inquiry. The skill of asking questions: knowing what questions to ask, knowing what information is missing, discerining if the information is uncertain (or garbage), as well as being able to identfiy what is NOT SAID. Inquiry is the conditioned response of asking the 5ys, or the 5W+H. 
  2. Influence. This is the ability to Influence or cause another person to take a particular action. No one is expected to have all these skill, as well as being exceptional to all these skills. What is expected is having 2-3 of these skills, knowing 2-3 other skills, and continuously working on 1-2 of these skills. It is also expected that a person draw from the Influence skill of other Team member, to make the TOOL suite the TASK or Objective.
    1. Pursuasion is a typical set of communciation algorithms to influence people or groups to take a particular course of action. 
    2. Psychology and Empathy is the skills to predict how people will act or feel given the circumstance. This includes being able to detect strong Triggers or Behavioral traits. 
    3. Negotiation is the ability to make planned and well thought transactions to meet a particular goal. 
    4. Diplomacy and Courtesy is the skill to manage the Perceptions and Self-Esteme of a target using social norms. 
    5. Communciation. How clearly you communicate using the verbal, written, and nonverbal cues. 
  3. Technical Understanding. (See Engineering). I can only speculate the engineering as I understand it.
Side notes. IF I could implement the programs that I need to implement while meeting the Financial GOALS at the same time. In my Father’s company, Comfac, I have more of a active role even if I’m just the IT director. I help shape policy, consensus, and enforce the policies that trigger disciplinary measures. 

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