Updated IMS Work Log

  1. Closed the Projects I could not finished. Just filed them under “lessons Learned” but it just archived. The lesson is that I really have scarce resources and to take on too many projects just wastes my time, there is nothing to learn, and my time is a company resource. 
  2. I started using Highlights so I can tell what Kind of LINK they were. I now have FOLDERS, Sheets, and DDC (Documentation Control). 
  3. Again – we Document what We do, and do what we document. It ends and begins with the Document and all MENTAL LOAD/Working MEMORY is PURGED. if I’m distracted then I need to put that thought down. 
  4. We are having internet problems and I have anxiety when I have to explain a Technology Topic to my Parents because they dont appreciate anything that they are not directly using. Even if its a manpower waste to the company if my parents doesnt feel it (and people go out of their way to make my parents comfortable) then they dont think its a real concern. 

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