Proficient Enough, Unwilling to Deceive vs Not Lying

I would read the Job Descriptions on Linkedin and would wonder if I’m qualified. I realize, funnily I am. I’ve met these kinds of supposed titans and in terms of skills and knowledge, many are just “FRAMING” their abilities and not really that honest what they are capable of.

One of the things many of them bullshit about is their accomplishments and contributions. It’s really a complex thing dealing with Companies and Organizations, there are so many moving parts its hard to tell how much people really contribute to something. As someone who documents a lot, and communicates a lot, I can see better see the EXAGGERATION and Puffing. The puffing of the Operations Director, my boss, when we got into BPOs and how much he “knew” despite being in the Industry for a Decade vs What he can really show and results he can really produce.

As for me, I know certain things are Uncertain, and the most I can do is TRACK the FACTORS I’m controlling and adjusting the controls and dials – when Time and Opportunity align that the Factors I control happens to Align with everything.

Of course, many people don’t have that grounded sense of reality. From the News that Attributes a lot to Companies their Success and Failures to a single Individual. Then there is the megalomania some successful individuals attribute their control over circumstances to their own genius, the tendency, in reality, is – People want to believe you have control and can deliver success. They don’t want to doubtful practical scientists or engineers – implementing programs and projects telling them their control is only in humans, policy, and resources – that these are only second to circumstance and conditions.

Personally, if I was in a position of resources, I would only expect people to have power over the controls I give them in their role. I would not expect them to move the heavens. But being versed in our role, paying attention to details, and moving swiftly when Opportunities arise – are things I within my power and expected to be within the power of my team and allies.

Still, though, I live in the shadow of people who believe in superstition and power is God’s will. That to fail is a sign from God that you are not favored. To succeed is to be morally superior.  Where might makes right. I can see the allure of such simplified thinking, to believe one is the center of the universe.

What I am saying is – I’m confident in my abilities. My abilities are as good as any of my field and position. Of course – my disadvantage is that I live in maintaining a complex perspective (which is a doubtful perspective) – but keeping simple pleasures. That I will not try to lure people into self-deception… which is a serious weakness. One thing is being unable to lie, its another thing to being unwilling to deceive.

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