Filling my Calendar: Making TIME, why I hate sudden changes to my itinerary

Consciously Filling my Calendar is one of the Hardest Actions for me to do.
What makes it hard is the Conscious Effort to reviewing my Priorities and the Many Mental Instances that have no Prioritization Assigned to it.

Example: Meet X, meet Y… asking myself – how does this relate to my SPRINT Goals (2 week sprints).

So its Hard and Slowly I’m mentally creating an Emotional and Intuitive Way to tell if something is Priority or Not. If something should be in the Calendar, and thus I’ve made time for it.

Now I realized that my Dad doesnt do this. I realize that people who order me around or people who are Impulsively ordered around – isntead of using the Weekly Coordination and Ops meeting to set the Weekly Agenda are missing the ability to MAKE TIME and to TEACH THE ENTIRE TEAM TO MAKE TIME.

Its one thing to Make time – setting your personal agenda. Its another set of skills and methods to Teach it to a TEAM and to create that feedback mechanism that people Prioritize key actions and agendas.

I wish I can go back in time 10 or so years earlier.

  1. That MAKING time is being able to prioritize each task. 
  2. That I know my Teams Priorities so I know where everyone is and Know if their Prioritization needs to be Re-aligned. I know people HATE being made to Throw out DIFFICULT TO MAKE PLANS without carefully thinking through them. 
  3. That prioritization is the FIRST skill, FINDING time comes in SECOND. because it is too taxing to Attention if fill it with content it cannot sort. Sorting information is like those Luggage Packs – it shapes data so it fits better into frameworks. 

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