Vegas Conference, Work Update,

i’m the one other person who has a US Visa and passport that is up to date that can go to Vegas for a Conference of a prominent supplier. I dont want to go – I’m too busy with my projects – they find it such a waste to send someone else. There is a 1% chance something in the US will help with my projects… less than probably.

The problem is not technology – is Financing and business Planning. Which we have skills for, financing the Analysts and Project Coordinators for this is my MAIN problem. I can train a Business Economics, Business Admin, Business Analysis, etc… Grad – it just means documenting my projects and Coaching the Grad how to present this data to an Audience.

The US with its money problems is not going to finance projects in the Philippines. China and Japan on the other hand WILL – they want to participate in the Build Build Build. they will put some skin in the game. The US company role it try to be part of those investments – but technology is not the problem – Japan, SG, TW, HK, Malaysia, and China all have technology that will suffice – its not the best BUT they will suffice.

Also US will not be interested in the Projects I’m doing. Philippine ISPs are too small for many of the Businesses Right now. these companies that may be roughly under a 1M usd a year is far outside the opportunities entertained in B2B. 

I dont see the Economic Big Picture. I’m better off going to Countries who will Finance projects in the Philippines or South East Asia (By Finance 60 days to pay upon delivery is the lowest bar, to the best is Operating Cost the projects). Not being a Pessimist, the world has Changed. In the time of my Dad – in the 80s he scraped for technology from the US to bring to the Philippines where we paid 10x more than the US for the same technology because manpower could not match it (data centers power supplies in the 80s). 

The CLOSEST thing is probably – some US Company sees that we own a 2ha Factory that can assemble and QA inspect the goods from China and Some US components to bring Technology that have 120 day lead time to just 45-60 days. Or better just 30 days from Purchase Order to Shipping to Client in the Philippines. Because of that STUPID coincidence the Philippines is a 60hz motor and compressor COUNTRY vs the rest of Asia at 50hz. (i’m already in talks with an Existing Partner who is US based to have this sort of arrangement).

Philippines will have 56B usd of Infra Upgrade. 20% of that typically falls into Technology: Cabling, UPS/Power, Data centers, IT systems etc… 10B usd – help my company position to be the fastest turn around time – do your due diligence about our 38 year rep and see who your doing biz with.

PENDING Projects

But I’m pretty busy to “step out” for a Week to check out new technology and the opportunities is not in the products, but people who will buy the products. 
Some Updates. 
1) The Quality Management System has been Approved – which means we are Dad’s Company’s official QMS. Which grants us authority to review performance and standardize processes.
2) As QMS I’m updating and creating goals for Sales and PM. These are the two main problem points of the company.  
2.1) With the Sales – its the Selling Activity: Lead Generation, Client and Opportunity Qualification, and the Very Fast Turn around time from Seeing an Opportunity and having the Preselling Acvitity begin (Preselling is Requirements Gathering, Technical Evaluation, and Proposals)
2.1.1) Non-Selling Activities – typically Presales activities are going to be tracked to justify Sales Support (in the Form of Project Coordinators, which we have defined and budgeted for; we just need Measurable manpower how much is Lost in Non-Sales activities). 
2.1.2) How to measure Sales: Objectives of sales needs to be defined even when it is so abstract. This is where I really get to express both my Understanding of Sales and my Business Modeling capabilities. 
a) Sales Activities has to be within CONTROL of the Sales. This means clients, traffic, and weather are not a factor. This falls under Dilligence: studying, preparation, research, and planning – the sales has to present all actions within their control. 
b) Sales cannot really close unless they have 6 months of pipeline. The sales only had about a 1-2  months of technical training, they dont have the requisite 6 months of SALES training. So we have to develop the sales training for them so they can build up their pipeline. 
2.2) With Project Management.
2.2.1) Documentation Control: Project Checklists – asking for what are the Documents Under their control and what remains to be in their Possession. Defining this goes a long way to managing the PMs and PC (Project Coordinators). 
2.2.2) Planning, Actions, Reports = PDCA cycle. Having the PMs be able to accomplish this goes a long way. 
A lot of these can be Enhanced by a 6 months Consultant who is only around 400 hours. Of course that would probably cost respectively 1,800usd/ or 100k php respectively but I dont have that resource. Having that resource would make Success 90% and 10% rework adding 1-3 months trial and error. 
At my current resource and juggling it would be roughly 40% chance of success in the next 6 months, 40% chance x2 x3 the time it would take 1.5 years. 
I’m currently involved in closing some sales, if I can get some Money Going – I may have resources to have a Project Coordinator which would Half my Penalties of Rework (Instead of 1 to 1.5 years of rework, just 0.5 to 1 year). 
pictures of the Warehouse Overs stocked because of a Project.

the weather was probably 40C under the sun. 35 in the shade with a lot of heat bouncing off the concrete. 

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