Quality Management Unlocks a lot of Capabilties.
- The ability to Inspect and Review work or actions.
- The ability to define details and critical elements in actions
- The ability to create clear instructions and then allow another person to implement those instructions.
- Because of abilities 1-3 you can better delegate, outsource, and coordinate tasks.
- You can delegate because you can give clear Instructions about the Details of the Output that needs to match. You can be specific to the exact details and know what will be misinterpreted or misunderstood.
- You can outsource, whichis basically more complex levels of delegation.
Unlocking these capabilities allows for a TEAM to operate. So that the team can work on different tasks at the same time to assemble one project greater than the sum of its parts.
I know a lot of People that get annoyed by QA, but when problem happens or the stakes are high they panic and they do everything but Study the problem. The QA measure and analyze, an action that everyone should do, but QA is measured against the effectiveness of their effectiveness.
I started thinking more about this when I learned that One of the Major Companies in the Philippines is Outsourcing many of its key businesses to be competative. Of course how do you make sure these outsourced businesses perform? You need QA to make sure they perform and you can monitor that they peform. It also has the added benefit of Diversifying the Risk: having 30% of the Business done by someone else who can Scale to manage if the 70% runs into any problems.
QA is Senses in order to use Controls. You cannot exert your Management Authority if you have no data by which to Steer or Direct the the Business Unit.
So through the QA I am able to delegate and move the departments under me. To mobilize my resources because in the end the Tasks they need to accomplish and the controls these units have to apply will come from QA discipline.
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