Sleep: Self Care conflicting with Work Capacity

Waste Clearance of the Brain and Rearrangement/Consolidation of Memories. 

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I have a guess that when we sleep the way our brain consolidates our memories is the way you would consolidates Neural-Firing-Patterns. It trims a memory to what is most efficient firing pattern to serve our mental image. If we are neurotic it dwells on the negatives and it creates behaviors that reinforce fear, anger, etc… (this is i not a bad thing, its a defense mechanism).

I think dreams are our brain rearranging firing patterns – and our Story Engine – that part of our brain that makes great at memorizing and understanding things in the fallacious Narrative sequence starts influencing the memory.

The key take away is the dreams measure the strength of our fears and neurosis, as well as the quality of our sleep. Good sleep (from past readings) leave no memory of dreams, that means the “cleaninig” process ended its process cycle.

Having memories of dreams is the brain rearranging things and not cleaning up.
I wake up with my jaw tired from gritting my teeth and other signs of fear and stress. Its not special, I’m sure everyone has it. What I can do is center, the problem of centering is that it TAKES TIME and work capacity.

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