What I’m doing with my Dad’s Company is something quite new, but something I’m prepared for. Everything in my Mom’s company has trained me for this:
- Change Management. how to change from some organizational behaviors – by clarifying and re-examining goals and assumptions.
- Processes to become ISO and really finding Truth and Usage of the Quality Management Systems.
- Being able to SHAPE the company to the Operational Reality, and Play to its Strengths, and Mitigate its Weaknesses.
Things like this don’t happen a lot and the opportunity is Cyclical in Companies and the Industry. In the Philippines there is no Ideal Place to work in, our concept of “best work place” is not like in the West with Google being a clear contrast. Most people can improve is up to the TEAM or Section Level. We figure out a way to make sense up to the people we directly work with, and handle the problems that come to us to the extent.
So when an Opportunity Comes along to Change, then we have to look at this opportunity carefully and understand it in its context.
In Aswath Damodorans Little Book of Valuations talk about Change Management to turn a Company Around. In the Lean Books I’ve read they talk about the same thing, but in Damodoran it talks about the Financial Objective of – is this Company Worth Inventing in. Its important to think about it externally – as how Management and Culture of a company is “objectively” measured by a person valuing the company.
Crucial things to Learn is that:
- Companies that have Problems, Need people who can give solutions. The rare event is the company Changing the Status quo. Typically because of Tragedy and never in ideal Circumstances does a company change for the better. A company that is doing well doesnt need you, a company that is not doing well has an uncertain future.
- Will you have resources to Succeed? At around 40 I’ve realized I’ve had enough mistakes to know what I can or can’t do. I’d probably have more experience at 50, but I dont have the energy I would have if I were 30. Also every “Enterprise” or Challenge is a RISK – often with many unforseen consequences.
Remember that the Problem is always so Difficult that we rely on Trust, Process, and Conditioned Skills to navigate it – RARELY do we have the executive function to Navigate a problem. There is UNCERTAINTY.
Resources will always be Scarce! Problems meet an equilibrium of SCOPE vs Resources. Especially Organizations that have a “Life of its Own” because of Organizational Inertia.It always boil down to: What wins matter more than others? - Who Needs You? – This pretty much the thing about a Problem. Resources, Complexity, Objectives, etc… the HUMAN element is WHO wants you around when the Going Gets Tough and Who Do you want around?
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