So my dad’s company, the one I’m focusing on right now, is in the Making of Datacenters.
In Data Centers there is a certain order of Value. This Value is the best way to know who we really are and what we can do. It helps with making relationships and avoiding costly opportunities.
As you go down the value chain, you find more companies that perform these services and design and products. But the lower you go the more Common or Ubiquitous the service and design.
The highest value to volume ratio is the Servers. Servers for Data Centers can cost 40M pesos or 800k usd occupying less than 1 cubic meter of space. The 200M php or 4M usd can fit in a 300sqf or 30sqm data center. 200M php is the cost of a 5 storey 350 sqm building we own. Unlike a building, a datacenter can be obsolete or need to be replace in 3-5 years.
The heart of any data center, where the DATA part comes in.
Network Equipment
These are the Routers, Switches, and Connection appliances that allow gigabits to quickly move from one Server to another within a Data Center, as well to transmit Gigabytes of data per second in cables connecting a site from kilometers away. a Small Form Plugable can cost as much as 30usd, to 1M usd.
These are also consumable needing to be replaced in 3-5 years like the server if their performance is really maxed out.
Un-interrupt able Power Supply
This is the next most expensive after servers. it actually can be argued to be more expensive than network equipment to cost to volume.
Precision Air conditioning and Cooling
The aircons, building management systems that manage the aircons, and the vents and raised floor that is needed to create an environment with stable conditions is next. This is more complicated part of Data Centers because Cooling and Thermal disciplines of Mechanical Engineering is very difficult to measure and observe.
The mechanical Aspect of Data Centers sensitive and are hardest to troubleshoot outside of the Network and Servers. When you have a cooling problem its really hard to find where the leak or problem is.
Network and Power Cabling
This is pretty much the last stage. It includes the Metal Cages and Internal Structures for Data Centers. This requires Electricians who are also skilled in making and installing these structures.
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