These all have skill trees. And each skill tree can be defined to the extent of a Time Based Activity with Output and other measures.
How I would love to define it instead of using my Mental Rules of Thumb so it can be better Updated systematically (Writing things down vs keeping them as poorly defined thoughts that degrade over time and effective)
I hope the sense of TIME i get in my 40s allows me to remember that IF i fix the family business that I move to Managing the Cashflows of Projects (which creates better quality of life for everyone in the company, and allows for Planning) I can make a BUDGET for a copywriter and researcher to formalize many of the coping mechanism I’ve studied (They do the grunt work of converting my audio notes,
A lot of the Coping Mechanisms (CBT REBT) surprisingly overlap with Conflict Management – since the techniques of CM helps align interpersonal conflict can be used with Intrapersonal conflicts.
Basically:PUT CBT/REBT subskills in Conflict Management Chapters of the Company’s Project Management Processes and Skills and Leadership/Teamwork Skills.
Also Publishing Company Policies of such Philosophies for external feedback. Company Skills – is best published because – they serve very little purpose being purely internal. Its no secret and it really needs to be exposed to feedback and criticism.
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