181028 Update and Backlog.

These are the Backlog of Articles I have accumulated because I’ve been sick and its taking me double the time to do my Chinese studies (from 2 hours to 4 hours).

  1. Skills and Controls. How skills are action processes we can do, but the outcomes have factors beyond our control and these are Risks. 
  2. Diligence as a Skill. That diligence is a skill of trying to understand amidst difficult and complex conditions. It can be measured. That it is counter to Learned Helplessness. How to Identify Learned Helplessness. 
  3. Oversimplified Goals. Examples of sacrificing some complexity when we begin an organizational goal. That the planners may have created a detailed plan, have it written down, but because people are still new to Operating in Objectives and Diligence, they do not check Organizational Processes, Feedback systematically, or 
  4. Comparative Advantage. In developing world business most products and services are merely those Available and not the Best. That most businesses start with Comparative Advantage and how we evolve to be better and identify our niche. 
  5. How am I going to make a New Design Business Unit without Sales? Challenges of our Network Engineering section with my scarce Resources. 
  6. Company Expenses I have personal paid for. Lessons Learned  I have personally subsidized 5x 500usd laptops, 88 gsuites basic accounts, and given report of the IT’s accomplishments with no hope in sight of being compensated. What was the plan and how much productivity would I have expected? How much in expenses do I have yet to go. Plus other personal expenses competing. 
  7. Thesis: The Main Role of Planning in our Company – To Time the funds we are receiving to the spend in closing and starting Projects on time. That we measure the Process Time (The Queue Time) of Projects getting Funded so that it Can bring in money predictably.  (Measure is Do we have a QUEUE of company prioritization and is this QUEUE respected and no one jumps the queue with politics and without the permission of the rest of the stakeholder representatives). Why can’t we do it, when every high capital company should? What am I doing to fix this. 
  8. Never Talk badly about your Boss. Given that Management Can be the Company’s problem and you never talk accurately about the problem – where the Never Talk badly about the Problem (even if the problem is a person) has its limits. If you can bring data why can’t you talk about a Person being a Problem? 

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