Explaining what Happens when you Cut-in-line in Production at a Frequency Greater than Average Processing Time

Letter I drafted Needing to Explain some key concepts in manufacturing. If you’re in Manufacturing I’d like some feedback.

This is my draft explanation of How I need to Explain what happens when there is Cutting-in a Que. Which is a Problem both the Plant and Design Departments shares. Drafting this before we can present some form of TRAINING and video to explain these key concepts if the explanation is sufficient and the next course of action is clear: Manage the Production/Job Order Que.

Looking for Feedback with this Explanation or if the Logic is Flawed. Hoping i can get more feedback about this so I can communicate it to more stakeholders.

The best Explanation is Fast food.

  1. Can you “Cut in Line” in a Fast Food?
  2. 2What does the Fastfood do when they want to Shorten Waiting time: They create a New Process Line – aka they

Open Up a Cashier. Same is done in SM groceries.
What Happens if you Cut in Line?

  1. First is you need to measure the QUEING Time. Again I’m using Fast food as an Example.
  2. In Mcdonalds its 2 mins per Processing a Customer.
  3. What happens if Someone Cuts in Line?
  4. Everyone Behind the Que starts having a Longer Processing Time.
  5. So Lets say 5 people line up and in Mcdo its 10min wait for the 6th person to get their turn?
  6. What if you cut into that Line Every 2 minutes? Then the waiting time of #2 to 6 is Indefinite.
  7. Also when every you cut in line you need to Coordinate and Calibrate all 5 people behind the line that is affected!!!

Now Imagine the Plant as a Giant Fast Food. The que is the Projects Lined up for Processing OR ARFs for Accounts for

  1. Proposals or Job Order Authorizations.
  2. Now imagine instead of 2 minutes 3 days Turn around time.
  3. Now Imagine having to cut the Line every 2 days or everyday!
  4. Now many of the projects in the plant takes 3-10 days to process in its most rushed
  5. What happens to everyone downt the Que?
  6. Is it the Plant or Design Department fault that the Que becomes indefinite?

Final Thoughts.

  1. The delays with Job Orders must factor Cutting-in-line.
  2. Cutting-in-Line more frequent than the Process Time has consequences and Costs.
  3. Work will always be Accommodated but Note that its not the Fault of the Processing Department when a Line is Cut.
    1. Any project moved in the Back of the Que is bound to be processed at the end of our Peak/Period. almost 2-3 months delayed. This system is a terrible status quo that will net us lost business and seriously reduces our Efficiency. Note the average Age of the Plant’s personnel and Skill level. 
    2. They are following orders and most processing departments would rather follow a Que for efficiency, and stability (so that there are economies of scale).
  4.  You have two Conflicting Policies – 1) 0 Tolerance for Delays and Allowing the Cutting in Line greater frequency than the Processing Time.
    1.  if there is NO CUTTING-IN then there is 0 Tolerance for Delays. *(this gets more complicated when we factor SJO or Change Order or Variance Order). 
  5.  This systems is not sustainable in the long run and will run at a negative.
  6. Delays upstream. Add 2 minutes or 2 days in the processing time in the 1-2nd position in the QUE. Everyone after that Que will experience that Delay. In a Que of 10 people, an additional processing time of 2 days in the 1st position will have 18 days delayed reported by each Project Stakeholder adding them up.

Recommendation if Explanation is not Sufficient:

  1.  Tracking all Ques and Project Schedules. // without better computers we are personnally financing the computer – help justin buy more computers by helping him sell his airsoft.
  2. Track Readiness Time. Time the Project is Recieved until its Ready
  3. Track Queing Time Average. How long each Project is in the Que.
  4. Track the Number of time theirs TIme has been Rescheduled. Track the number of days that’s been added to them.
  5. Track Processing Time. Time the Project is Started and its in FGTS.
  6. Have details so that Projects Can be Organized by: System Furntiure, Customized, and Metal.
  7. Have all the Quotes and Proposals (Information Filtered) with Plant for Master Planning.

This will quantify and allow Accounting to measure the Cost of Cutting-in the Line.
other explanations Queing Theory,

Other Questions
1. What is the factors of delays?
2. What is the cost or Economic Impact in Money and Time with the current status quo

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