Dillemma of Developing World striving for Developed World Abilities

i’ve read a lot about management books and stories of how other businesses are run. One of the things I’ve come upon is that Philippines or a Developing world skilled professional and its organization is only now grasping key processes and skills developed world companies have long taken forgranted decades ago.

Since Ive read a lot of sales books the salary in pesos of sales accounts specialist is about 40-50k usd a year or about 237k php per year where the cost of living will make a 100,000php laptop trivial (2,000usd).
While an account specialist earns about 20k, gets a data alowance and a beat up old computer. Even if the laptop will double his capability at an increase of 1k per month if the cost of the laptop is accrued most companies are immature to make such a Cost Analysis (for that the company would have matured to have managed its performance with data and not by “gut feel”).

What a filipino doesnt get that the Developed world person gets is a manager who has to train them at about 200mh a year or more. Some sales companies have 400mh (thats 1 day of the week they do training).

There is about 1,000-2,000 manhours of training difference a Developed world person gets that a regular filipino in the same role and function does get. With the technology, that Developed world person is able to handle more complex accounts, demanding customers, and charge more even if they handle the same amount of accounts per month. At 1,000 mh of training and mature systems: there is very little defect rate and while the results may only vary by 20-30% – throughput and TIMING means the company is performing activities within a schedule and there is smooth operations.

A filipino must find training and studies outside his 50-60 hours a week job to match that Developed World person. He has to rack it all up himself with risk to health and social obligations. Self studying he gets there in 2x the time. By the Time the Developed World Account Specialist has racked up 1000 hours of training its been 2 years. The filpino will rack up near double in self study because of Trial and Error and rack it up from his own Personal Hours. It will take him to reach that skill level at 5-6 years… so much that the Market has CHANGED and so much has been made obsolete.

The filipino will one day reach the same level as a Developed world equivalent in x2 more time and at greater personal cost.

 He may pursue all this without any reward and be called ungrateful if he chooses not to share with parasitic bosses and colleges. Taking 2x as long his health is on the decline and he cannot burn the candle in both ends anymore. He may have advanced but no one will give him or his team time to train. His personnel all leave and failures just add up as he’s got to train these people outside their Operations Time.

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