PMBOK is like the Prestige Class of Getting Things Done


In PBOK there is this Chapter on Effective Strategies for Exploiting opportunities. Basically if you’ve studied average rate of Failure of Business and Align that with your Success Odds in a Given RPG system you’ll notice that Systems Like GURPS and Cthuluh with almost 10-30% chance of success is pretty hard. How would anyone succeed in anything with such odds?

Well in PMBOK its been kinda simplified – as Additional Actions can raise the Chance of success = follows the same Logic – you can throw more resources at a Problem. These resources can be Money, Manpower, Time, Actions, Knowledge, etc… The challenge is the Kind of Actions you need to imagine and think up to allow for success.

A project may have a 10-30% chance of success, but opportunities (like tasks in a GANT, or a SOW or Bill of Work) slowly add up to meet the requirements of the entire undertaking.
The way a Building is Built with a ton of simple actions adding up to become a building, an undertaking is a Success or Failure or Failure at a cost with a TON of problems and the Players cannot roll them all (if you allow Hard limits to rolls and a cost of manhours per attempt).

PMBOK has been pretty awesome study. Its kinda almost a Holy Grail of Personal Productivity. If you graduated from David Allen’s Getting things Done, PMBOK is kinda like a higher level of mastery that can be applied to life and work.

 IF your a gamer and can’t get behind this pretty easily if youre the kind who like some Structure to the chaos of real life. BTW PMBOK, like most planning is not an 80% or greater success rate. Its the advance of having STRUCTURE vs Chaos. If you do PDCA, then you know that 1-10% we improve on and Knowledge we work off to go against all that uncertainty is better than nothing. That with the Structure of PDCA we document and Iterate new methods, repeating less of our mistakes and experimenting with our understanding.

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