Losing 3-5 hours to TRAFFIC is the Reality in the next 20 years

I see national bookstore mercury and others dabbling in the delivery model or the small store model. The Philippine Traffic and logistics situation will not improve – even if it does the higher costs of transpo yet time saving nature of transpo will stillmake it easier to Shop online like in developed countries.
The lesson in many of the Case studies in Amazon vs Toys R Us and Borders, Intel vs Arm/entering the Small processor space, etc… is that YOU CANNOT HALF ASS this.

In the philipines Delivery or localization of logistics is THE REALITY. 3-4 hours average of Transpo per day (which is why I advocate for Laptops and Data plans in our company for QA, Sales, and PMs) is 30-40% of their manhours LOST. I dont care if its a DRAIN in their PERSONAL TIME and they only clock in AFTER travel.

I want to compete for the best PMs, QAs, Sales, and other Technicals in the Market. If they can get their JOB done remotely and clock in HIGH VALUE work in 6-8 hours a day then I want it to be the status quo in our company.

I wish i was in a position to PUSH more resources in this kind of TElecommuiting option in our WOrkforce in the family biz. I want people competing to work for us because we are reasonable people and use technology to overcome the Philippine Traffic situation.

Its in the long run important because – people will have families, they will need to be home – work for a few hours while taking care of home stuff, avoiding the storm, etc..

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