Studies Update – the Sales Development Playbook by Trish Bertuzzi.

  1. 16-12-21 Justin Studies
    1. Audible Bought Pompeii by Robert Harris and Forging Hephaestus by Drew Haves in a 2 for 1 credit sale.
      1. Accompanying PDFs to the Audiobooks can be Seen in the Library Tab
      2. I really like because of the following:
        1. Its Actionable. The way she writes the book gives you enough interest to go to where she’s going. Also the frameworks she advices like the 5Y in Sales is pretty useful and our company has no such frameworks,.
        2. I’ve read various other books on sales, and this is pretty approachable if your Team is not used to Reading Textbooks about Sales (Textbooks that you need for the Data Analysis Side of Sales, which is the PROTIEN of what develops the PIPELINE methodology). My challenge is that we have no Processes and are timid in Creating such and PDCAing that this Book may be a good chance.
          1. As of this Writing 180812 there is no more Book GIFT option in Audible. Although I can try to give the Hardbound Book as gift. The thing is BOoks as GIFTS in a Low “Book Learning Culture” is that its 99.99% wasted. What I CAN DO is probably give the 2 minute pitch about the BOOK. still its depressing when there is KNOWLEDGE out there and people can’t seem to just TAKE IT.   
        3. I learned about GLASSDOOR and how I should check it out.
            1. NEXT READS
              1. The Little Book of Valuations by Aswath Damadoran
    1. My wife leaving her current job means she had to turn in her Samsung J7 Pro 2017, and I had to go back to my Samsung J7 Prime 2016.
    2. I Dreamed about buying a ASUS zenphone MAX Pro 2018 for 14,000 but I need to save for the family business. So I’m gonna try to have a RED TAG area
    1. Villman Has a bunch of things a lot of Computer Shops (octagon, gigahertz, sillicon valley, Complink, etc…) dont have.
      1. They have the PORTABLE Monitory, the ASUS Zenscreen for 16k
      2. They have MK420 Bluetooth Keyboards 1,200 (Which is HALF the price of the bluetooth Keyboards available).
      3. They have 8,000php 10” Tablets (Lenovo) and a 4,200 Lenovo Essential Pad for 4,200php.
      4. You will notice that the stores all stock “FAST SELLING GOODS” 300usd Phones and Tablets (The Huawei M5 2018), and everything up. No one stocks the same goods as Villman. Villman seems to be doing some intersting Marketing Data and their very conservative shop will be around after this INCOMING PRICE HIKE of 2018 and 2019 (OR they already have been suffering those losses and have reduced to that small store, but I think its more of they see the incoming price hike and have kept a conservative strategy).
  4. WHat do we do now Brain?
    1. What we do every Night, try to fix the Family Business…

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