All the Testing APPS!!! Personal Goals

So I just discovered Professional Testing Apps. Years ago I discovered using @Voice to listen to all my Textbooks and that strange Quirk I have where I can engage with a Google’s Robot Voice, which allows me to finish a Bunch of textbooks a year.

Now I discovered Testing Apps, and Given that I’ve been using Pleco and Duolingo Everyday it was quite a leap for me to try other apps. Why did I just discover or warm up to them only now?

Well its because of my Success of Pleco and my Understanding of Spaced Repeition and Conditioning. My Criteria is simply that – Its an easy habit to build. What makes it easy is that It can be 2-5 minutes (example is that One of the PMP training apps has only 10 items). 

CoCo E-Learning was pretty awesome the 5 minutes I played around with it. Its basically perfect for everyday practice only 5mins a day. I’m in no Hurry. I plan to master everything – by master I mean I can do this test really fast and recite the explanation in summary.

Certifications I’m Interested in

Now there are a LOT of Certifications. Ones I’m interested in are the following (they are not in any order, because I plan to try them all out and play around to see what works with me):

  1. CISSP – Information Systems Security professional , I bet there is going to be a GDPR Professional  Eventually. 
  2. PMP – Project Management Professional or PMP-ACP – Agile Certified Practitioner
  3. LPIC-1 – Linux Professional Certification (but for Ubuntu)
  4. CBAP – Certified Business Analysis Professional
  5. CCNA – Cisco Certified Network Associate or the Huawei Equivalent or a Generalist. 
  6. BPMP – Business Process Management Professional (there may be no Android app, but there may be an Online Test).  

Working while Getting Certified

I’m working and Certifications are better than a degree for my circumstance. I dont have time for a Degree, having a family and taking care of myself (thats about 25 hours a week, sans Sleeping). I do have about 2-3 hours of Study Everyday (15 hours a week, separate from Self care and Family). If I had to go to someplace for a degree that would be a 6-8 hour activity because of the Traffic and Logistics here. 
Also the certifications I want are not easily available here, the PMP, CCBAP and the BPMP are only available in SG. These are the Certifications I will be busy with in the next 10 years as we Improve the company and raise its Maturity Level from Ad-Hoc to Defined and hopefully Managed. 
I’m managing 3 locations: Cabuyao Laguna, Calbayog in Mandaluyong, and the Main Office of Makati. Sometimes I go to Eastwood Quezon City to work with our IT. I really can’t and I’m in a position to Ignore much of the Social Pecking Order and focus on studying because I’m the “Child of the Owner” – so I will take advantage of that and Train and TEACH. 

Personal Goals Are 

  1. HSK 2 by 40, I’m actually at HSK 4 vocabulary but Like any Gamer I like grinding and BLOWING AWAY the test when I get the chance. 
  2. 1st Certification by 41 (PMP, and for my PMP credits all the Process Improvement of the Company submitted as my accomplishments; Or CBAP). If this is a Pay bump or more resources I will try to get my own research staff (of 1). 
  3. HSK 3 by 42 – I hope that I blow it away but unlikely. I hope I maintain a Chinese Blog by this time and just use Google Translate for my English, then edit it. 
  4. 2nd Certified by 43 (Probably CBAP or BPMP)
  5. 3rd Certified by 44 or 45. (which ever is easy enough to maintain). I hope I have a “professional network”.  
  6. HSK 4 and TEACHING by 45 or 46. 

Lack of Friends and Socialization

There is a Trade-off and its really that I dont hang out anymore. Family and Work. Friends are purely online and in Holidays. It is Lonely, as friends go, but I have to fix the family business or at least prove something – as to what that is I dont know. 
I guess its that I’m also valid, my methods are valid, and I’m very flawed but can still perform work. That I have a lot of flaws and given the resources of my wealthy parents could accomplish something – that if people were given the same chances they can also do good things.  That I took what Luck I had and shared it. 

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