17-01-12 On Fortifications
1. Nunc papilonum tensionem cohortium supra scriptarum ostendimus. Papilio unus occupat pedes X, accipit incrementum tensurae pedes II, tegit homines VIII. Plena centuria habet milites LXXX; erunt papiliones X, qui occurunt in longitudine pedum CXX. Nam quod ad latitudinem hemistrigii pedum XXX attinet, papilioni dantur pedes X, armis pedes V, iumentis pedes IX, fiunt pedes XXIV. Hoc bis, XLVIII, cum praetendunt, efficitur striga pedum LX, reliqui pedes XII, qui conversantibus spatio sufficient. Haec pedatura ad plenas legionis [centurias] est compulata. Ex quibus in vigiliis singulis [quaterni] erunt, et non plus quam octonos papiliones singulae tendunt. Ita fit, ut centurio eorum in eadem pedatura eorum papilionum tensionem alioquin plus dari oportuisset.
1 Squad Tent will be described as follows: A squad tent takes up a 10 feet (by 5 feet), 2 feet gap of space; but it covers men 8. A full Century of 80 soldiers; (they) will need 10 squad tents, which will make a length of 120 feet. For as far as 30 feet wide hemistrigii regards the pavilion are 10 feet, 5 feet for arms, for cattle 9 feet, 24 feet are done. This twice is 48ft, So when they layout it is a total of 60 feet, 12 feet, which should be space sufficient. These layouted with the full legion [companies] in mind. Each of these to watch, [four] 8 Squads out of 10 will pitch tents in any given time, while the other 2 squads stand guard. The Centurion must choose where to place his tent relative to his company.
Papilonum. Tent.
12ft Total Width and 14ft Long.
10ft x 14ft (14sqm)
That means 8 men have sleep compact in a bundle of 3.5ft x 6ft overlapping their feet.
4 sections of two men with their feet or tops overlapping by 1ft. .
1ft each side for the Stakes and Pitching.
Contubernium / Squad of 8 men.
12ft x 30ft Strip.
12ft x 16ft for Area.
12ft x 5ft (6sqm) for Weapons
12ft x 9ft (10sqm) for Pack Animals
Holds Space for 8 men.
Strip of Century:
120ft x 30ft for Century.
Two centuries are side by side by their shortest side (30ft).
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