Chinese Studies Update.
- 168 words left until I learn all of HSK4 (this assumes i learned all of HSK 3 which i think i did since I did a 1-3 only one time), or 166 words left since I do 2 new words of HSK1-4 everyday. That would mean a total of 1200 words.
- Assuming a Learned score of 1000 (or 10 days before next review), then I have about 1166 words. My “Meaning Only” Score file is composed of HSK1-4 and what I consider “Others”. Others is about 200-400 words, i forgot how many really.
- On about average I review about 55-80 words in HSK everyday (probably a 65 median). When a lot of these words get masted the period of review gets longer and hopefully I review less and less words. From 4 new words a day (2 from HSK 1-4 and 2 from others) I hope to just focus on 2 new words a day. This means around October, about my 2 year aniversery of this method at HSK1-4 exposed. And Now for Embedding into Long Term memory.
- I’ve started chunking the words – imbedding more meanings in them. When I think of the word I try to think of another associated word and if I can’t think of the word I already know that triggers a “Mistake”. Its basically more pro-actively looking for forgotten words and connecting these words.
- After October what will happen is I’ll try to get back to Pimsleur and Writing in Chinese essays and articles. Probably 20-50 words per piece.
BPM CBOK progress.
I’ll try to wind down to go to sleep reading this book.
The book is very helpful I’m worried about the expectation bias and the actionability of the knowledge. Its basically the PDCA cycle with all the ramifications and considerations having been written explicitly. Many things I’ve understood before now I know a whole lot more because there was the experience of having that knowledge made more explicit and clear.
Study Methodology
- Read Section and Page
- Write on notebook Page
- Summarize the Page in my own words. What are my Key take aways, given my personal context.
- Do not memorize what is well writen in the book – THATS WHAT THE BOOK IS FOR. its for a reference. summarize so I can create a mental BOOKMARK of what is awesome about the book and when a situation arises that I need that knowledge I know its in the book.
I need to set some goals. I’ll to get the page number and try to finish it in 30 days.
Its funny when you see me read like I have a Class to Study for, but I dont.
Corporation Code of the Philippines
I’ve finished the Law, a friend gave me his Class Notes which is far far longer than the law and goes into Example Cases per Interpretation of the Law. I count this as a textbook in my Textbook Quota. So i’m working on two textbooks and unlike before where I had 6 hours of traffic per week to listen to them I only have 2 hour per week of personal time in little errands to listen to them.
My uncle served as the COmpany Paralegal and wrote and evaluated the contracts. he has lung cancer and is having treatment. We’ve been cutting manpower (without any more data beyond the direct labor and Salaries) so we may not get anyone with Legal capabilities moving forward. We are a manufacturing and construction company – this is a big draw back.
I listened to the Goal before but It was not well read, so I’m trying again when it went on sale at Audible. Its in my Backlog.
Sales is a big problem in our company. While I’ve read so much about it already I bought this when it was on sale. I’m looking out for books that can explain things better than I have to draft or write stuff so it makes it easier for me to train up our sales. Sales is under me but we are currently have AD-HOC sales processes. I may just accept the reality that even if I study so much about sales its really the burden of the Sales Directors and Managers to write and define policy and process.
Experimenting with Bluetooth Keyboards
I’ve been long frustrated with Typing on my phone and want to try Typing Minutes using a Bluetooth Keyboard. I’ve experimented with my wife’s old 40usd Rapoo and found it painful to type with.
my wife experimented with this for a while. I’m carrying it and trying to see if I can make it work.
My words per minute according to Swift Key including with predicitive functions. If a regular person has 25wpm then this is just HALF of a regular person with already their predictive capabilities. So you can imagine my frustration when the Phone is one of the key
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