6M words of Knowledge DEBT

You’re not supposed to be able to MAGICALLY come up with a Proceedure. Even when we are ISO 9001, and we have about 20k words of proceedures already thats just a very small bit of what should be about 6M worth of words of data.

250 knowledge workers, about 15% management or about 37 “leaders” – that should be about 200mh a year of Proceedures and BOK regarding processes. IF WE WERE DILIGENT 370,000 words of Analysis and Proceedures per YEAR since our ISO of 2002. But we weren’t and all those reports were wasted. Any reports of patterns, Non-Conformity, Analysis, was wasted – probably 6m Words of analysis and proceedures (probably a 10:1 ratio of words on analysis vs proceedure; regular operational DATA is something entirely separate) But we wasted the opportunity because of Hubris – and we have only a few thousand to show for.

when you look at a developed company, with Annual Plans, Planned Vacations, moderate hours, healthy workers, a full roster in recruitement, R&D, Highly skilled and tech literate people, experimenting with bleeding edge tech, shared services for Family like better insurance, child care etc… Thats what we couldnt be because we wasted the opportunity BUT thats the possibility.

It doesnt help that only a skeleton crew (aka 4) of Process Analysists and Writers are meant to make processs for a company of 400ish. Every foreman / leader of  section or group should be making a Body of Knowledge regarding their Activities and Aligning it with everyone else. Every-SPRINT of not doing that is a wasted SPRINT.

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