Skills Model
Under Appreciated Specialist Skills
Toolkit Model of Skills
Skills are best understood as a tool kit. A skill is best described by its funciton or what it sets out to do. Influence skills are there to change people’s mind, Problem solving skills are to solve particular fields of problems, Analysis skills are there to make sense of Data and the Observable World.
Lets keep the Toolkit Mental model going forward. So basically imagine a Toolkit for Influence – Changing people’s mind or affecting their Decisions. There are many tools for that: framing, deception, argument, logic, etc… we can go into details like Fibbing, Lying, exaggerating, focusing on the Positive, Focusing on the negative, Exploitation of all the Arguments, Biases, Fallacies etc… these are the many tools to Influence. Some tools are easy and some are hard, sometimes we have the chance to try a Different Tool, sometimes we only have one chance. Some tools are better for some situations, and some are pretty good for a lot of situations, while some are good for a narrow type of situations. Some are not so good, but is better than nothing, some are inappropriate but we use it for the unintended use always. To model Skills like Toolkits is to look at the best method of tracking Tools in a Toolkit that is able to allow use to look at these details.
You can say I use a Toolkit model of a Skill.
4th dimension, aka time, forgetting, learning, effort, and opportunity for skills. NOW this is the interesting part of what ever toolkit model you have for Skills. That we have the scarcity of Time and Effort Tracking them, that the Bandwidth we use to Employ the skill. For me the Total Cost of Ownership Model.
My Total Cost of Ownership Model
Phases of Constraints/Costs/Requirements
Initial Purchase Price, learning Time and Cost,
Practice, Maintenance, Exercise,
Measure of the recurring costs over a period of week, month, year, etc.
Selling or Disposal Price, Time to forget or remove or unlearn a bad habit, Selling your car when your moving on to a different one.
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