The theme of the Week is the meditation of Skills and Abilities. The encounter with challenges that people don’t want to Categorize and Define, and try to Make predictions. They can’t understand and Begin the PDSA/PDCA Cycle.
That the TASK LIST is the First Measure of What we Attempt/Plan vs what happened. That we begin with very rudimentary and basic Attempts and Try to learn very quickly and evolve things into Skills and Predictions.
The Scope of WORK/ Estimates / Bill of Works / Etc… are all just VERY Complicated Task Lists. Task Lists BUILT over so much knowledge and complexity – but ultimately boil down to a List of Activities – and We can Go into an incredible amount of Detail and Simplicity or RISE into a Greater amount of Complexity. This Telescopic View – this Architectural View / Aka Framework View – is what we develop as World Builders – but what we Need as Planners and Learners who will want to Develop Skills.
Had to Cover for Someone in an Audit
If you want time you need:
Information, >
then predictability and ability to prioritize, >
then make better decisions because of the predictions and prioritization,
and your decisions should allow you to make more time.
As for the Chicken Egg part –
having the time to get information means taking a GAMBLE and make a CALL. Predict and ready to work with thee error until your hit rate improves. Prioritization means the Mistakes you make are hopefully costs you can take and get fewer over time.
When the Developing World is an Option
Watching serpentza – If you are below middle class in the developed world, very self sufficient (having the survival skills of a harder life) , and have skills and training easier to acquire in such a country (example the 0.95-0.98 education index of developed countries vs developing counties at 0.5-0.7), then going to a developing country is an option. As arbitrage applies to costs in monetary factors so does it apply to skills.
Prediction and Skills
Process – Skills of an Organization
Because a Company cannot expect ALL THE SKILLS be mastered at any given time by everyone or even at 100% of the personnel that need it (there is never Perfect Skill Level as needed) – Procedures/Methods/Instructions is what allows an organization to perform with Stability, predictability, memorability, and some Peace of Mind despite the uneven distribution of skill/knowledge/Experience.
I find it quite Interesting that as the Management Representative, my Gamer nature of finishing textbooks as a Hobby (because maxing out skills is what a Munchkin/Min-Maxer does), Documenting Skills as I go, and a bit of an Obsessive Capturing of Skills – is kinda a perfect fit. A nerd stupid enough to find this fun and fulfilling would survive.
The BARD is the life of the Party because he’s the Master of compiling all the skills – to make an informed decision what skills are used for What lolz. Broadness of Knowledge is a SKILL.
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