As I standardize more of my work, the Manhours to get anything done is even more tangible for me. While so many things can be done under 2 minutes significant tangible deliverables take manhours. Many are at 4-6 manhours. If I dont have a solid Block of Work I tend to just produce Notes and very little – 1/4 of what i could have produced.
Other than 80-90% of the work is from Instability of Processes (because it was not standardized and studied and 80-90% is non-value adding but necessary activity), its because OVER TIME we are not always ready and quickly able to do work efficiently.
Sometimes it takes my brain 1-2 hours of garbage rev up to 200wp hour of thoughtful material. Thats assuming I’m not distracted with Firefighting (the need for Filtering by Prioritization when communicating to others) Unless the process is well understood, standardized, all the countermeasures and techniques developed etc… Output will always be uncertain and the quality is rather poor when Compared to “INSPIRATION”. inspiration happens very rarely and should never be the benchmark of Consistent work, it could be a Goal BUT never the standard – the GAP is just too huge.
Predictive Mechanics
3. Scales of Manhours of Study: lets use 5 to average out 4-6 manhours of study.
3.1. So there are Scales of 5 manhours and less,
3.2. Scales of 25 manhours Ten’s of manhours
3.3 Scales of 125mh A hundred mh
3.4 Scales of 625mh Hundreds of Mh
3.5 Scales of 3125mh Scale of Thousands of Mh.
That the Scale of Manhours is a great qualifier of a Skill, how much practice it takes to master, and if it is a sub-skill of a much larger discipline.
I’ve noticed Writing, Planning, Studying etc… are Disciplines that have many smaller skills that build this elaborate mental programming and rewiring.
4. At the scale of 4-6 manhours people are unable to grasp the Scope of the Activity: either they think it was Easy, Think it was really hard, or have no clue how it was broken down. On the surface 4-6 manhours is too dense for an observer to make an informed claim about it.
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