So my concentration is pretty bad, I didn’t grow up with a lot of people to emulate who were good at focus and concentration, or mindfulness. I live in a mindfulness Wasteland lolz.
Anyway I realize that in my Pleco drills, if you follow my G+ gaming life collection its those pages of Chinese Character exercises. They take up 30-120 minutes most of the time. Its there where I am able to assess my level of concentration, particularly in Characters per Minute.
Initial Conclusions/Emerging pattern
- I am able to sense my Concentration is very tangibly 10% increments. So through out the day it seems that i shift about 10-30% concentration penalties from my optimum (which is not a lot).
If I were to set my Concentration to a score it would be 80% (my best score), and range from 80-50% in a day. (very rarely I am at 80%, and by 80% I’m rounding 79-76% up lolz). Last time was at this level was a month ago. Typically I’m at 70-60%. - My redline levels is at 50-10%. Typically this is about 8 hours into my waking day. So this drive (2 hour drive plus, 3 hour drive back, 8 hours in some Gov’t required training) has me worried since I get sleepy in the car ride back.
Next Actions
- Monitor and See if other Patterns emerge.
- Use it as a Guideline, and find re-concentration strategies.
- It seems Running Helps.
- Experiment with mindfulness Exercises.
- Stay away from the Computer unless I have a Plan.
- Notebook only after 6pm. I notice that I need to stay away from the computer when My will power drops. (its easier to quit than to manage willpower) so I am trying a policy that Notebook as my lifeline. Everything needs a plan or ask all the questions.
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