It boils down to Blocks of Time.
That I never have a perfect uninterrupted block of time. That the ideal is i am able to concentrate – but in reality I can’t. But I’m working towards being able to create uninterrupted blocks of time. That as I rise in authority, power, and knowledge I create the same conditions for others to be able to better get work done.
Concentration Basic Principle 1: Avoid Multi-tasking for key tasks
Concentration Basic Principle 2: Prioritization – Pareto Principle.
Some objectives, strategies, and activities manage to get 80% of the work done. You don’t need to do Everything – you just need to do the few key things.
Part of the 80% or key objectives is bringing down the cost doing of everything else, or able to substitute.
Example of Tasks that Get A lot done but is one Action:
Writing is a Measurable Task that Does not need mental space to monitor – the product itself (words and quality of work) and the time it occupies is enough data to create a systematic feedback loop of how the system can be better managed.
- It communicates to the rest of the team
- In defines the problem and plans the next action by way of defining the question/problem.
- It is a measure of progress
- It creates a verifiable trail for validation. I know where my time went by seeing all the output of that time in writing.
- it generates Knowledge
Concentration Basic Principle 3: Patience, and…
- Write things Down.
- Ask “Does it have to be now?”
- Have a queing Systems – this mean – programming to allow me to check on the distraction if I was able to delay it or move it to another time.
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