How I (wish to) work: Blocks of Time

It boils down to Blocks of Time.

That I never have a perfect uninterrupted block of time. That the ideal is i am able to concentrate – but in reality I can’t. But I’m working towards being able to create uninterrupted blocks of time. That as I rise in authority, power, and knowledge I create the same conditions for others to be able to better get work done.

Concentration Basic Principle 1: Avoid Multi-tasking for key tasks

The every time I divide my time and attention – the time it takes doubles the divisor. 
If I do divide my attention by 2, it takes double of 2, to get things done. The problem with Multi-tasking is that while we do know the consequences of Multi-Tasking we do it in many many minor things. So the real challenge – even when we know that we should not multi-task is that we Identify when we do, and be able to focus when we should. 

Concentration Basic Principle 2: Prioritization – Pareto Principle. 

Some objectives, strategies, and activities manage to get 80% of the work done. You don’t need to do Everything – you just need to do the few key things.  

Part of the 80% or key objectives is bringing down the cost doing of everything else, or able to substitute. 

Example of Tasks that Get A lot done but is one Action: 

Writing is a Measurable Task that Does not need mental space to monitor – the product itself (words and quality of work) and the time it occupies is enough data to create a systematic feedback loop of how the system can be better managed.

  1. It communicates to the rest of the team
  2. In defines the problem and plans the next action by way of defining the question/problem. 
  3. It is a measure of progress
  4. It creates a verifiable trail for validation. I know where my time went by seeing all the output of that time in writing.   
  5. it generates Knowledge 

Concentration Basic Principle 3: Patience, and… 

Interruptions, Distractions, and Real life will ruin blocks of time and ideal processes. The only thing I’ve realized is that I need to be patience and build a set of responses/countermeasures. 
Currently my Countermeasures is: 
  1. Write things Down. 
  2. Ask “Does it have to be now?”
  3. Have a queing Systems – this mean – programming to allow me to check on the distraction if I was able to delay it or move it to another time. 

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