i walk through the process – like an idiot (because Philippine culture does not value admitting ignorance) . I think i got it from mr. Quilloy, one of my mentors, he was finance but a very able process engineer and would ask people to explain their process by taking the time to walk through it and explain it to him. He would map it with flow charts printed and posted in his office wall covering 3-4sqm of it – old school but very effective. I could imagine how many people think he’s wasting their time – but holy crap this guy engineered a couple of mergers, and company acquisitions (which requires a lot of process alignment) in firms far bigger than ourselves.
I didn’t realize by asking them to map it – was because they never bothered to write it down (we are an ISO company after all) and all the flaws was because we could not be in the same page. Actually no one realized what he was doing until I started reaching the same conclusions picking up where he left off. He was giving us a chance to all be in the same page but many people failed to see how he is already helping them. He’s old school intense but damn it – It was like having Mr. Sapanta again.
My approach builds in Mr. Sapantas and Mr Quiloys – learning from the weaknesses of their approaches (even if their approaches were already Near-best-practice) – which is learning process literacy by way of Documentation. My approach is spoonfeeding – training people to be process literate by making what they do create its own feedback mechanism – by having a more monitorable system and being always an example – by always having my own activities as a test case.
This blog is pretty much my lessons learned reports – where I can talk about it informally and un-systematically.
Everytime I do stuff I learned from my mentor a part of my mind replays the scene they were doing it. Mr Sapanta – who I grew up with but never worked with – but i heard stories about him and his proceedures – it was easy to create a Tulpa of him.
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