Some sudden realization that googling really IS disruptive of the processes.
Do Stuff: Write a Plan, the THING, what ever it is.
When in Doubt. When I hit a part I don’t know – I write it down, and google it later. (NEVER GOOGLE while doing STUFF) –
Continue to DO Stuff – Try to Continue until I cannot figure it out anymore.
When time remains Analyze what went wrong – Write it down. Take the Notes and make it comprehensive. Analyse (5W-H, 5WHys etc…). Ask all the questions. Questions are something that never needs to be googled when Ideating them – they just come from all the uncertanty.
The right way to Google is the same way as Shopping: With To-do lists and minimum-viable-product/output/. If I am going to google – it should be preplanned. Googling/Research should always be a Batch/Que action.
Need is a Pull System
SRS teaches us that Memory is a Pull System.We Don’t know what we dont know until we try to do something and we hit that Wall- that Wall of Need to Know.
We don’t know what it takes to finish a project until we start doing the project. Questions are triggered by the Need to know, the need to know is when we are in the middle of doing.
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