Certainty triggering mental discomfort.

The FMEA was what I’m always looking it at with every claim, proposal, or decision. This is that red flag that “Pings” in my head anytime there is “certainty” in something – What is your FMEA? What are the conditions that assumptions or claim will be wrong? What is the risk of Failure or Wrong?

Recently I’ve read a bunch of stuff that supposes something to a level of certainty that I’m not comfortable with. That discomfort is what I’ve been conditioned to be the FMEA aka the clear criteria by which something may be wrong.

Its interesting that I’ve not read a Behavioral Study that talks about the narrow conditions the methodology is right, as well as the Conditions the assumptions of the Analysis is wrong. This has been greatly disturbing of late. 

Risk Management is an improved part of the ISO 9001: 2015 because they were able to word it in a way that its actionable and measurable. The lesson I took about Risk Management is that We write down our assumptions so that we can use Checklist or a System to check when they are wrong.

Lately at work We’ve worded Understanding as knowing the Limits of a System or Procedure. So basically when I got into this frustrating debate – where the FMEA has not been worded or understood then I think its complicated.

the FMEA or Conditions by which MY Assumptions are wrong or DOUBTS is always a criteria for the understanding of anything. Doubt became my Guide in Project Management – as I began the entire process of Writing a Projects Goals, Plans, and Activities based on all that I didn’t know and needed to know.

Doubt or my Self Awareness to the Limits of my Knowledge – trained to be an actionable muscle in my mind has been very effective in so many things lately. To find it missing in someones plan, beliefs, and knowledge is a warning sign for me.

A warning that – we both may fall in that are where our blindspot or Bias. That we take on the mental load that prevents us from examining the quality of the Information. QA at the source, Garbage-in/Garbage-Out.

Burden of Proof and FMEA. THis is where a friend toss aside burden of proof. An honestly I can understand why he did, but I look back if we can’t organize what the burden of proof is then maybe we should not be arguing. Behavioral Cultural Norms – IMO does not require burden of proof. Social Problems where Information is needed – means the person must introduce Information – making it a burden of Proof.  
Dealing with Mental or Behavioral Innertia one must bring his Proof, support for his claims, OR Else admit they have no time to educate  or communicate. I think any time we go against behavioral inertia and information is needed to change a norm – then the BURDEN OF PROOF falls on the person proposing a change. 
But thats an argument beside the point, I guess. Im trying to talk about how Time, Effort, Energy, and Patience is a Cost of Communication and if we CAN’T pay that cost then then we better just choose to agree to disagree. 
The tragedy of Being “RIGHT” – so if one believes they’re RIGHT and cannot communicate this – is unable to pay the human cost of communication – they suffer the tragedy of being right lolz. 

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