Monitoring takes a significant resource, for example is Activate Task Manager in my 1,700passmark laptop and i’m up by ram and Cpu goes up significantly. Writing a journal or log takes time, we have words per minute and composition speeds to draw from when measuring our ability to write down our ideas and thoughts.
The Dillemma comes from how much resources are saved when we Monitor and Plan, when we never monitored before. Actually we dont need to monitor, we can learn and know look at historical effects. Monitoring is a powerful prevention and control tool that is very hard to master because – it is a systematic and complicated habit. Pretty much like Dieting – calorie control is not the only element, preventing calorie binging is part of it. Cost monitoring and control is a small part, we can say that that is the 20% of what makes the habit hard – the 80% is learning what can be prevented and understanding the conditions and systems that create cost overruns.
I’m facing the problem of the traditional biz org; Operations (service or production) is prominent 80% while QA, Planning, etc… 20%. If operations is only 80% whats management doing? if its all standard and repeatable activities, isnt there enough instructions to carry out the activities (Recently I learned – Supervisors, a management level position – no overtime, so that management can focus on harder problems – like managing costs systematically.
Why does Management have no time?
Because they do micromanaging, tasks that can be accomplished at the supervisor level without further instruction from the manager. Management does 80% micromanaging instead of 20% systematic inspection and documentation (monitoring and planning).
80% of Management’s time is learning and writing about the problem exhaustively.
Why are they doing those tasks?
Company Innertia – following up and is the method we all grew up on. The method we should be using is systematic evaluation of accomplishments. By systematic we have embedded validation criteria because we know what are the Key-indicators of red-flags and proceed systematically to document and categories these issues.
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