My cousin explained to me Dependence (which has a different meaning as in Wikipedia) as something we need to be “Functional”. Addition being something like an obsessions that destroys everything around it – its “an obsession” that causes dysfunction.
Its an important distinction in my personal expense report – as Coffee is a Dependence. In my personal time management – chinese studies, my daily exercise routine, and my pocket notebook is a
How I define the following:
Functional. it’s able to perform my duties and responsibilities. Over the course and measurement of experience and documentation, functional are the factor of conditions that need to be met to allow me to perform my duties and responsibilities.
Dependence. These are the things that I need (different from basic needs) that allows me to be functional.
Addiction. This is an obsession or attraction that causes me to be dysfunctional when pursued.
Personal Expense Sheet
Expense Tracking Plans
- Cooking and Storage. Kitchen Equipment and Storage seems to have one of the best impact in costs. FOOD applies to health and happiness, its one of the costs I need to control better. I may need to create seperate category for Kitchen from my general Tools/Equipment category.
- Home Care. House costs is one of those things where Spending on Improving the house means Travelling less (hopefully). If the house is more… a better home, then caring for it would be empowering as well as enlightening. I do have home care gdoc and I hope my son and daughter would adopt it so that they can have Care (maintenance) as a key feature in their upbringing.
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