
Simple but Ubiquitous. very simple things that have a large impact because of frequency and ubiquity in its nature. 这些场合有很大影响由于很高发生率。

  1. Planned vs Actual 比较计划着就究竟事。. Always measure with what is Planned and What actually happened and the ability to study the Gap/Difference. 
  2. Document all Actions 记录都的动作. From the action of Inquiry and Research, to the Action or writing and organizing thoughts, to the Action of Implementation, Failure, Success, or Adaptation to circumstance – the only thing we can objectively measure over time is what was written down. Even memory and experience gets distorted, and the only thing that withstands the biases and time is the Documentation. 。 
  3. Chunking means I’m never seeing the Whole Picture. Because of how Chunking works, this means I’m never seeing the whole picture. The nature of problems never fits perfectly our Chunking Capacity, we remember what we can and not what we should. So that means we need Systematic Guides and Checklists in the most important decision making. 


Transitioning from Simple paragraph methods to Numbered Bullets. Number Bullets gives additional context if an idea is subordinate to another idea, an additional and peer factor (which allows me to better chunk the ideas), or is the Superior Idea (which means it has to be able to easily Chunk the subordinate ideas under it with context).

thoughts my brain could not put down. I want to sleep but can’t
the main barrier of learning pivot table is clean data.
1) Having a LARGE enough data table to play with and practice problem solving is needed to exercise pivot tables.
2) because of the confidential nature of company data its hard to get data on payroll (then again I can create a name randomizer to hide employment data, and have arbitrary modifiers that move salaries up or down 10-100%).
3) A list of Problems and Exercises to do with the Data is needed to properly grasp and master Pivot table.
4) that we need thorough guidelines in cleaning data – cleaning data means having a good set of categories and conditions (which means mastering index and match) and also having cleaning criterias. 
5) IN all of this, someone has to master this create the methodology and have a bunch of people he/she taught scrutinize the technique for its flaws or better ways to do something.

Work Reflections

1) all these excel trainings are meant to raise the capabilities of the people by teaching them to automate and getting them hooked on systematic problem solving with the minor ability to automate through spreadsheets. To give them a taste of being able to automate non-problem solving tasks.

2) while our chief competitor, my mom’s former protege and her most trusted #2 is a savant in many ways the main difference between us and them is that I come from a tradition of teachers and nerds. Hopefully that natural predisposition to train all those around us and analyze our methodology will make us competitive. While having an exceptional ability is a great advantage, translating every exceptionalism to teachable-trainable skills is where we come around.

While it sounds very idealistic – i’m well aware of the flaws of marching by the speed of the slowest member. (i’m well aware of scouting operations and have its analogue in our systems) I’m not an idealist about shared growth, I know i’m gambling that our rate of improvement will exceed the rate our mistakes and the economy will catch up on us. Sun Microsystems and the many open source, innovative and progressive companies have failed – and cold hearted manipulative corporations have dominated (the math is they devote the 100% to money and thus survival, while others do not devote as muce), a “relatively good company” is the exception in the gambles they make with society (which is an uncarringly arbitrary, fickle, and random entity). That while there are averages, the deviation goes both ways and I should not be surprised of how “low” the deviation goes when it comes to human nature. 

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