A Place for things – 5S of the mind and surroundings.

Disclaimer: I am a Slob. So things are new concepts for me.

To make an disorganized person organize, is to have him use organization be the method to achieve his goals. To impose organization to others for One’s own reason does not work.

Rule – A place for everything, everything in its place

  1.  We lose things that doesnt have a place. If I dont have a place for something I lose it, because I cannot create the conditioning that makes me put it back without even thinking about it. Many things interrupt our thoughts and these triggers our “autopilot” mode. Example is how people take and pass things even when immersed in a conversation.
    Failing to perform the automatic process gives us a feeling something went wrong, so we can check if we performed the task. 
  2. Place is part of the Cost. The total “Cost” or the complete picture of something includes its Place. When we take in something in our lives it has a Cost, an Overhead (an ongoing cost), and a Place. this place may mean a container and a medium/method of access. 
  3. The Mind and Space.  This applies to memory and mental artefacts.

    Additions to the Rule above (working thesis) – When we have a place for everything, access to it becomes simpler and faster. The Place

  4. Chunking things (new). Things that are supposed to be used with other things should be together. There should be the ability to create a “complete” picture that “looks right” with a group of things. Again we are asking our brain to create a subconscious routine for putting things back, and a way to check if its correct.
    4.1 Labeling and Notes (new). This gives me to Leave ideas, not just complimentary things, with the thing that comes with it. 
    4.2 Quick Summary (new). I have the ability to Quickly Summarize the Status. When everything is Accessible and Visible, I can inspect MORE things and understand the status of my being. The fractional effort to perform the basic clean up, HALVES or makes the effort to access of the thing (including mental artefacts) equally small.
  5. Visibility and Accessibility (new). When I put it back correctly, I make it in a way that the Me of the future will not hate the me of the past who put it the wrong way. the Me of the present thinks of how the Me of the Future will need the item. If i need to walk across the room several time to do what I need done then I’m an asshole to myself. Especially when the me of the past knows that this task will be performed repeatedly. 

Stuff I can probably apply to my kids, “You want to find your toy, give it a place” I should put it on the door before he leaves for school –

What is your favorite thing? 
Where can you find it? Where should you find it? 

My sons’ crack is the Ipad. 5-10% increments. first the ipad then everything else.

Liberal arts should blend with engineering and management.

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