The theme of this range of experiences is Communication, Coordination and Patience. I realize why we are terrible making plans by just looking at how we coordinate in this family event.
The event looks simple, but its actually Complex because everyone has competing needs. Then there is that nasty and sneaky element of family obligation and face. The thing that happens is, there is an Event and there is the failure to ask the question of: “What’s your circumstance and what are your challenges in participating in this event”.
Why dont we plan? Because its a muscle we’ve never used, or learned to use. its a muscle with a complex set of motions and routines to make sure its well toned, flexible, and yet strong (fast and effective). People set objectives and it seems they never learned from the past mistakes how we’ve failed (wasted our time and others) in the execution. There is a lack of mindfulness of the value of everyones time – and that is normal and really hard to develop.
Human and Professional Virtues cannot be expected to spring from nothing, they come from Practice, Successful cooperation, and Deep Analysis of how we really think, and understand things.
There is too much learned and I need to make time at the expense of some well calculated Tradeoffs.
take away.
- To plan is to take the Critical Event (time, place, and scope) and work Backwards and forwards.
- Next is to draw parallel events of those who are also participating.
- Identify the Unknowns and Define the Questions. Collect and Centralize all the Facts and communicate them well. By that I mean making it a concern people can understand and empathize with (as well as understand those of the concerns of others)
Planning is like Maintenance. A necessary but boring task at first. Adding value and creating mastery makes people easier and easier to deal with, and easier to get along with. Like being Well Maintained, the objective of being Well Thought and Communicated is a Virtue to strive for.
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