When Politics is your only Tool

If politics gets things done, then we are in the wrong business. (particularly using Smoothing or deflection; instead of addressing facts)
If facts can’t get things done, then we are in the wrong business.
If problem solving can’t get things done, then we are not in a position to do business.
Which is more stressful: Politics or Problem Solving? When ever the truth or facts is a matter of speaking or keeping silent, what does one rather have in their day.

The thing about Problem Solving, there are problems that cannot be solved and completely be eliminated. Thats just life, Politics and Deflection is BSing that its eliminated, not a factor, or gone.

I’m worried that if Politics is the tool people keep using, its the tool they use for EVERYTHING. While using Problem Solving people would call me Autistic, Naive, or Clueless. Given all the things we have to track and juggle, I’d rather have Problem Solving as my Go-to-Approach to anything, at the expense of looking Naive and Stupid.

I found out today a particular Department has All its Staff hating something but can’t tell the Boss. In fact I have to do some out-of-Processes Information gathering about the facts. They can’t tell their Boss and the Boss is Job by Politics and Deflection. 
There is some blame in my family’s business culture, where we value relationships and stories over process and fact gathering. Who’se personal system isnt about relationships? lolz. 
The thing is: What would have been a Simple matter is Complex because of the need to Save Face. Saving Face is about Appearance and who wants to do business with a Fool. Insert how complicated this matter is when we add the Social Norms Complexity Overlayer (Copy Kitten in Game Theory).
I know my approach is Very brash and straightforward. We kinda loosing money and we’re in the same boat. Appearances can be saved for the Staff, but not among managers. 

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