Why is this our Problem?

Today I had to really really listen and really be patient. More patient than anyone has ever been for me, with the exception of my mom (thats a long story we will get into some time). 

I just finished PMP PMBOK PMI study guide and it was a LOT of things I needed and wasn’t given. That’s the least of my problems, OUR problem is WHY didn’t we use this KNOWLEDGE? The ISO, WIKI*FUCKING*PEDIA, and many books ranging from $10-$200 was available to base the most BASIC underlying system on. 
We had MR SAPANTA, we had his knowledge because he tirelessly wrote it all down and tried (and failed) to teach the value of Note taking and diligence to the staff he left behind. He had knowledge we desperately needed and we threw it all away. We let all his hard work get lost: distracted by all the drama and all the politics. We even had Mr Quiloy for a time. 
We throw so much Knowledge away it painful to think what levels of mastery we could have been. In the 30 years the company has existed – and all its history we could have been something more than a faceless corporation in Philippine history. And we threw it all away. So many ground breaking projects, so much expertise, so much skilled personnel and firsts in the industry. We wasted it and we continue to waste it. 
This is my second company that is hemoraging the same amount of money from first Doomed to Fail company I held back when my son was Born in 2011. This is my second chance to fix shit, and I’ve prepared – OH FUCKING HELL HAVE I PREPARED!!!

The books I’ve read, the knowledge I’ve tested, the skills I acquired, and the tons more I need to master. and the terribly sad thing is that – WHY AM I ALONE! 

In the business heirarchy I’m a note taker and nerd. I’m the one who did his homework. I’m the one who writes Processes and Instructions so that people know what to do when Problems fall in their lap. I’m the nobody in the way Philippine (and most of the World) values BULLSHIT. 
As the Company Quality Management Representative I’m a glorified NOTE TAKER!!!  even my wife doesnt respect what I do. I’m not some Warton MBA holder – I’m a guy with a friend who can get me almost ANY BOOK. ANY BOOK IN THIS DAY AND AGE!!! an advantage only  A GURPS MUNCHKIN can dream of. I can’t even read past a 100wpm. 

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