Give me a model, a set of criteria, or a sequence of steps to follow.
- If its relevant to my interests I would most likely cut and paste it to my notes.
- If its something that applies to what I’m currently doing, and it takes 5-10 minutes I’ll probably try it out.
- if I try it out and I like it I will be using it more and adapting it to my circumstance. And when give you access to my notes you will see how different it has become and how the meanings has changed to suit the unique set of constraints and limitations I work with.
- If it is competitive in Time and Learnability in how I do things, that it may be better than the other things I’m doing you will see it grow and change as it moves up to the forefront of my own methodologies.
How I get things done, is a combination of Criteria, Mechanics, and Methods. They are in a document so that I can remove them from my working memory and free up attention to analyze them. I can even let other people see it. And it becomes a rather simple method of Comparison of The complexity of my sequences and the Uncertainty of each step where we see the strengths, and weaknesses of my method as compared to any other.
Its strange. I learn all this and I’m prepared to Unlearn all this. When I can decompress (like when I write stuff down) 20-33% of my mental energy tied to what I know, and Everything else, 66-80%, is what remains to allow me to Improvise on anything else that comes up.
I dont need people (under my responsibility) to Remember anything sophisticated. I just need them to have access to Well Organized, Easily Understood, Knowledge near instantly. I need them to free up 66-80% of their processing power to work on tasks with the aid of their guide methodologies.
- If it is really important and usefull – then they will learn it and master it out of pure repetition and conditioning.
- If its flawed then they have the mental resources to correct it and re-align it. They have not committed to learn bad habits.
- If they hate repetative, mundane, and automatable work then to add value to their work training in the critical thinking/ analysis skills. Skills that will allow them to shift their mental strengths to imagining the work as it is performed again and again in autopilot, over time, and how it can be done more efficiently with the least effort.
The same thing happens when i start writing stuff. Its autopilot in the first 5-20 minutes. Then my conditioned responses take over, and then my brain starts playing with the next information that is supposed to come up. It starts being predictive and looking at multiple possibilities. Its making commentary and more detailed judgement on what is supposed to happen next. Then I proceed to feel like I know what I’m doing.
My job is to make everyone feel like this. That they have such a control over their work that writing things down changes their world. They have changed reality by creating a program for their brain to run while their attention scouts the uncertain terrain of execution. Their attention creates a feedback loop telling them how to adapt their methodology to the reality of what is happening.
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