It cost around 166CHF (which is supposed to be swiss franks), or 7,500php or around 150usd.
- I had to see for myself. So my training in Bureau Veritas gave us a lot of secondary material. We’ve thrown a lot of money in ISO Certification and its strange that We never owned the Primary Document and drew from there, depending on experts only when we failed to understand.
- I need the primary material to Quote or Attribute. In the end of the day when dealing with my Opinions and ideas I always try to attribute a source. If I can’t provide sources I feel like I can’t start a set of expectations of transparency, feedback, and honesty.
Initial Thoughts
- It is Actionable. Heck, you can basically copy the processes to one’s own Integrated Management System. It covers all the Bases and the wording is short and actionable.
- Its thorough and saves you a lot of work. It takes about 5-10 words per min/ one sentence/idea per minute to make this kind of detailed and precise instructions.
As ops director I spend a lot of time writing instructions and methodologies so that what ever I do, can be delegated, communicated to everyone (serves as a reference), can receive feedback, I can determine the Training Requirement (by isolating steps and where variables happens), allow people to isolate and change steps, etc… So the wording of this is like a well made spell or legal document.
- Validates my understanding vs the original text, but now that I checked out the original wording I can SIMPLIFY it for the rest of the company.
You don’t need ISO but… (but it’s really big BUTT)
1) Too Costly in Time, Manpower, and Paperwork.
2) Documentation has nothing to do with Improvement.
3) human elements – competing priorities with Certification and Getting things done.
4) Its just a fad.
Let me tackle this simply, I dont want to get into the details unless its part of my Company work. This is a personal blog and not the company’s Primary Documents in the first place.
Issue 1) – SET budget. Use Pareto 80/20 or rule of 3rds to set an initial budget and adapt to operational realities. The Quality management system is about working with Goals, Objectives, and SPECIFICATIONS – have a resource constraint.
Issue 2) While True, reality is more complicated. I can communicate verbally/vocally with everyone or I can write shit down. There are pros and cons to this. Now Imagine communicating precise instructions verbally to EVERYONE in the company.
Actually in the company I already did a time and motion of this and documented how effective Verbal vs Written Instructions and come to my own data that written is better and easier.
I’ve measured the time and motion of this shit, and I’d rather everyone can access all the documentation in 2-10 seconds through the Central Fileserver vs having someone to explain to another person every time. while someone can spend his 7.5 work hours a day talking at 100-200wpm I’d rather people scanning and picking out important details at 500-1000wpm and write down important details at 5-6wpm (composition speed).
Also all this talking ends up as NAGGING, OMG how I hate nagging.
Issue 3) When Certification gets in the Way of Getting Shit done, this is where management again steps in and sets Constraints, Objective, and Goals when we have competing constraints. Don’t expect a piece of paper like ISO to make that decision for you – I don’t know why someone would?
Issue 4) It could be a FAD, it could be anything. It could be a Project Life Cycle, it could be the Life Cycle of the Process Owner as his life changes and the company’s direction changes. Correlation vs Causation plus Issue#4 lacks so much Analysis supporting data and Scientific Review that this is a terrible way to deal with information (see burden of proof)
- Composition Time from 5-10 minutes per word, its 5-10 words per minute (or 1 sentence or idea per minute).
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