The 20 rules of formulating knowledge violates its own rules. I’m spoiling for anyone who hasn’t read this and removing the chance to have this awesome discovery. When you realize it violates itself, then you may realize that it becomes the first exercise of the 20rffk.
Going back to TRPGs, below is the simplified version of the 20rffk.
- Understandable.
- Simplified.
- Organized.
- Engaging.
#5 User Friendly. Does it give me all the tools that saves me time to run my game. In one prep session can I print out all the tools? Tables, Character Sheets, Rule References, Flow Charts etc…
My Methodology
- Take note of Violations to the 5 point criteria.
- Taken note when they go out of their way to explain further. If they use more than one way to explain a point and they used one of the 5 point criteria.
- Take note when I don’t understand.
The 20 rules of formulating knowledge Simplified to 4 points.
1 Understand to learn.* (Do not learn if you do not understand)
2 Learn before you memorize
3 Build on the Basics
7 Make discrete Imagery notes, while keeping a holistic view (Graphic deletion is as good as cloze deletion)
13 Give tools for Personalization (Originally Refer to others memories; the best way to create tools for personalization is knowing your audience)
14 Personalize and Provide Examples. (allow the audience to be able to personalize)
15 Rely on Emotional States
16 Context cues simplify wording
Goals and Objectives
What caused me to write this is the argument about knowledge complexity. The 20rffk helped create a method of measuring complexity. I will post more on bridging the Gap of Audience and Product in the future. But this post and the related post are the basics.
Inaccessible Knowledge is knowledge that cannot be used or enjoyed. Everything learned occupies space (in its written form) and time, and it all adds up to make things more complicated and complex as to be inaccessible. If we are very connected with our audience and empathic of their circumstance we can overcome the Isolationist tendency of being in an Ivory tower with our knowledge.
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