Knowledge gets easier to keep, we build over it more frameworks

the implication of needing to only test for a piece of knowledge 1 in 10 days means in a week we can main a ton of knowledge while spending time to Lean More.

Spaced Repetition and Active Recall Review

Everytime I get an answer right (this can be a fact or a piece of knowledge), I’m retested in further and further away in the future. This has implications of needing only to retest a word learned at a 10day level word (let’s use the no. of days as a measure of level of mastery). A 10-day word takes less time over my study period to maintain than a 2 day word.

(I need feedback about how wrong my math is so please help me.)
Let’s assume 1 test is 20seconds. That 0.34minutes. So a 10dw occupies 0.034minutes of my study time (lets assume the weekly goals; mine are 6-7 these days).

2017-5-22 I have 226 10day cards or more cards. It takes 7.7minutes to review them over a period of weeks (not in a week;76.84mins a week). Lets stop here, because the math is beyond me if we try to guess how my learning consumes time – we are focusing on Maintenance of words I’ve mastered.

We build over them more Frameworks

So A word that takes 0.034mins to test needs to be active. It cant just be idle and tested passively. So I need to build  more meaning over it. I need to use it in all its other contexts. I noticed I have an upper limit on words mastery. I can’t get a higher Day-score on a word if i’m relying purely on Active Recall. That is when I give it relational attributes or putting it in a framework of other things.

Further Notes and Questions

  • Deepwork or Enhanced Performance levels happen when we can perform a task uninterrupted with 100% mental resources.
  • That looking for tools and knowledge distracts from the concentration needed to perform deepwork. 
  • ??? Phenomenon for the the Brain’s Plasticity borrowing other areas to help in a particular task

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