So SMART criteria and 5S are one of those conditioned skills that I find I’m using a lot more. SMART criteria is used a lot in the Main Idea + Optional Supporting Ideas to make it more actionable. SMART is one of those skills that help make an ambiguous claim move towards Actionable Statement.
Again a very basic skill – something I could have had when i was 8-12 but our education is not set up that way.
Come to think of it Lean Personal Operations are a set of skills that can be learned at age 8 and up and probably can be used in Parenting as early as 4. Particularly the centralization of To Do Lists and Daily Ops Sched. The thing is that you need the Parents to be trained in it, agree that the philosophy and methods are of value and then proceed on a Plan and a Method/Framework of implementing Lean Personal Operations skills as we learn. This requires Stable schedule and allocating Family time in communicating and setting everything up.
For me it will mean Getting the wife on a White Board or Google Doc, where I try to mind-meld with her on a Goal (this is a Long term objective) – Let us use Lean Personal Ops to fix our household and teach our kids basic life skill. The Objectives Pending her redefinition would be :
- Central Task List – where all our shit is saved. Both physical and electronic so that our son and daughter also will have a simple place to get their To-dos.
- No Nagging – No Drama
- Procedural method of getting shit done
- Measurable way of getting things done.
- Problem Solving Methodology. This replaces the way we “argue” about which course of action to take and how to communicate key information. Instead of taking my word for it or any drama.
- Inventory Management – getting rid of our junk, buying tools and improvements,
- Policies and Methodology Library – written constraints and goals as to why we do things as we do things. Kinda like ISO for Biz Processes
Define, Categorize, and Specify our Ambiguities
It was a family trip that triggered some realizations. Taking my Lean Ops training and wanting to CUT the drama.
Its hard to categorize and define Travel Activities. But it seems it needs to be defined because how that time is spent needs to be measured and see if it meets objectives. In the absence of other definitions ad hoc knowledge or existing precedents or conventions would be used (then just adapt them as we see conflicts and new information).
Example is “What do we get from Travelling?”
Enjoying a Location’s Experience can do with more specificity. The way we can be more specific in TRPGs enjoyment or how we do anything. If we are not shy about declaring our methods and goals its easier to just get to the point and do the MINIMUM of what is needed (doing more is 無理 or muri or wuli in chinese or over-processing).
- The wife enjoys Immersion – which as described is enjoying the surroundings.
- I enjoy learning about the place > more specifically how people operate in such conditions – their daily work life.
Getting to define, categorize, and Specify our Ambiguities – our Likes, Dislikes, what we enjoy, fear, hate, attracted too etc… is one of the most constructive activities when it comes to sharing knowledge and communicating. When we know each other in a way that we can formulate mechanics that help predict our behavior its easier to coordinate.
We have the systemic problem of too much In-actionable, Ambiguous, and Emotional Arguments and Drama. In chaos or drama we begin with the Ritual of Order. The ritual of order begins with Sorting, Setting Order, and Standardizing (5S). Its important to proceed as such. I would recommend this course of action but a lot needs to happen before one pulls in a group of people to agree on such definitions.
This is where in TRPGs, Work, and Life intersect: The buy-in to a process and the feedback loop that creates the new information to adapt and improve on the process. Getting this buy-in is the Wild Frontier of almost anything goes lolz. That procedural experts can’t really define because its too huge and has too many variables.
In the Chaos and Drama – I will follow the Ritual of Order – in knowledge this is Let us Define, Categorize, and Specify.
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