Evolution of my Chinese Studies

Personal Studies evolve. Because of changing circumstance, new information, trial and error, and personal life changes. So many better habits could have been learned prior to me jumping into Chinese but its only now I’ve hit some critical mass in learning.

These days the reasons I study is the small wins I get from studying and exercise. Every small win helps inflate my sense of agency enough to get by.
My Evolution of Chinese studies

  1. Chinese Pod 2011
  2. Mandarin Lessons in the Confucian Institute in Ateneo 2013
  3. Traditional Homework and Study
  4. Pelco App Flashcards – recognized characters only. Paid the 70usd for all the features 2014
  5. audio and meaning – answer with characters
  6. meaning only – answer by saying the word outloud and writing the characters. Now Learning the Tones and paying closer attention to tones. 2016
  7. Using Spaced Repetition 2016
  8. reading Fluent Forever and understanding Spaced Repetition
  9. Using the FF plan: 600 word goal and general planning by category
    1. Gaming (Planning stage)
    2. Biz and Operations langauge in Chinese (Planning stage)
    3. Basic Military Terms and  Language in Chinese (Planning stage) 
  10. Stability of Practice Schedule and other ways to squeeze in practice when things are Not Stable. 2017
  11. Hellotalk – an opportunity that needs to wait until I have enough of a vocabularly to get by. 
    1. The 5S applies here – if I can operate without much interruptions and all my tools can let me get by – then I’m in a better position to learn. The goal is to be able to be fully engage and think in chinese. 
  12. Learning the Grammar of each word. Helps with Interference – words so similar but are actually different in grammar peculiarities.  
Prediction of Next Evolution.
  1. Focus on Learning Phrases and Common Sentences. 
    1. Looking for the most used sayings.
      1. A possible source of such is getting a Biz Operations Book in chinese. 
    2. Test by Hearing – Identify the phrases and meaning by hearing using Google TTS reading at normal chinese speaker speed of 300wpm. When the score is over 1000, it becomes test by Meaning.
      Ideally 90% of words used is part of the 600 key words or related to my other studies: Biz Operations. 
    3. Test by Meaning, then saying it out loud and writing the characters. If the score is over 
    4. ??? Learning the Grammar Structure and Formula. 
  2. Radicals and Specialized Vocabulary is learned as method of differentiating ideas and words that are too similar. 
  3. Hello Talk converations. Have a schedule to just talk about everyday things. Inquiry skills particularly needs to be honed. 
  1. Being able to Hear with Comprehension. Ideally listen to TTS of Chinese at 200wpm the way I listen to TTS of English at 700wmp. 
    1. Will look for Business Operations literature in Simplified Chinese to listen to. 
  2. Being able to write my Gaming Work posts in Chinese. 

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