Learning a New Skill: Key Metrics
- Document what you do/Do what you document – and adapt to changing conditions, and new information. All analysis and understanding begins with working with Data, writing what we know and having it outside our own head critically analyzing it.
- +7 hour a week. Ideally everyday.
- relevant is the period of conditioning formula: 30*2^1/ (days/week).
- 5S Workspace. Use 5S to have a workspace that…
- has everything is less than 2 seconds away. Take the 5-mins rule and for workspace use the 5S methodology to make sure you always have what you need. The less effort, to a point of thoughtless effort, to access: tools, references, set up etc, organize, store,… the more likely flow.
- Track-Traction or Measure. The key metric to measure is found in measuring what is usable and value adding (known as Touch Time or Value Adding activity; You may need to know Muda or Waste identification)
- Measure and Track
- set up time
- the interruptions.
- the process issues, problems, counter-intuitive aspects, etc….
- duration and conditions of productive time (flow)
- Lastly, while not in the best practice to have more than 4 items, the 5th I’ve come to realize is Stability of surrounding conditions to be able to repeat, work, and concentrate.
- Stability would entail working out a Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Schedule. Check out Training by Routine.
Inspired by a post of Andrew Chason’s Feed about the masters of anatomy. Thinking back about drawing again and what it would take to get good again and how others can speed up their learning.
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