Sunday, 14 May, 2017 12:20:41 PM PHT
main statement + Optional Clarification requires goodfaith or steelman
Because its easy to leap in and assume the other person did not think of the exceptions. Because the other person definitely didnt see the possibilities, constraints, and problems arising from another perspective.
This is why I prefer the collaborative document. We begin immediately working together to clarify the statement – that means improving the main statement by citing all the exceptions and constraints that arise from the interaction and feedback. We’re not trying to CHANGE THE OTHER PERSON’s wording – provoking him to add disclaimers, constraints and exceptions to his thesis. We go ahead and just add it. Save energy and effort on Arguments, arguments are just for constraints and details harder to define.
Imagine if we can automatically and clearly say: We agree with X/X+Y points and lets go straight to the Y points. Let’s not waste time on Ego or Drama, lets get shit done so I can do more of the shit that matters to each other.
If I were to Summarize my Social Media Feed: the source of my Pet Peeves are mostly Overgeneralizations – Strawmans. Strawmans that make me reflect and try to model my own Strawmans. That to be more constructive is to actually be on the same page – Virtually and Literaly through collaborative software. Where both of us work on the Constraints of the Main Statement. Somebody begins with a main statement and we fill up the bullet point Clarifciations. We organize the Optional Clarifications into categories like Constraints, Exceptions, Reliability Issues, Statistical considerations, and Sources.
Its like – we just had a mind meld where all the nuances were spelled out and we didnt have to fight over what Shadow of the Complex issue is the Best Shadow! We went straight to the harder issues: the parts that were hard to define, hard to prove, hard to support, etc…
This is what gaming has imprinted in my soul – when we have a good game – it is when we get all the feedback of everyone and work it into something greater than us. it happens at work in teamwork. It happens in a goodfaith discussion with best friends. thats what I long for now that I can’t play – that mind meld – that shared connection where we focus on the hard stuff and don’t let ego – neuroticism (mental disads) get in the way
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