I draw from 1.5 hours of passive thinking for 1 hour of writing.

I’ve always assumed that the 300-400 words per hour composition is an oversimplification. That we draw from a lot of our other experiences and thoughts to produce those 300-400 words per hour in composition. That to produce 4-6 hours a day of 1500-2000 words we need about 4-6 hours of structured research and preparation.

My first guess is in the form of a mechanic or heuristic:

  1. That for every hour of composition we need about 1.5 hour of passive thought. Lets call thought as Idea Processing.
    1. Passive thought is just listening. that every idea is captured as well as the string of complimentary or dependent ideas that make its 
      1. rationale, 
      2. gives specificity, 
      3. or various constraints.  
  2. 1 hour idea processing = 2 hours of listening to something thoughtful. 
    1. Depending on the quality of the material we are listening to.  
    2. Example. I listening (using a TTS app) to Simon Scarrow’s Cato series first book an in about a couple of hours I have a good idea to boil down the weaknesses of  his style as compared to my favorite authors Christian Cameron and Bernard Cornwell. But to really process it I need to have the text infront of me or on paper with a highlighter and spend a couple of hours. 
      1. 15-30 minutes finding my way. 
      2. 45-90 sorting and identifying the elements I will break down into formula.  
  3. 1 hour of thoughtfulness = 1 hour of structured preparation and research. 
    1. It takes about 5-10 minutes to make a few search attempts, look them up, sort them for quality, and take note of them. So drilling down 6-7 items of research would take me an hour. 
    2. This would vary because of the quality of methology. For mine i believe have a variance of +50% until my methodology improves.  
    3. When I think through by talking through an idea using an audio recorder, that process is unreliable and requires a lot of training. Especially when I’m on the highway at 80kph and up lolz. It was easier when i was talking to someone who can keep notes. 
  4. That every hour of writing’s main thoughts will be about 15 minutes of editing IF i had a structured criteria for it. 
    1. if I had a testable critieria of easy access and clear refence, it would be possible to Analyze to see its adherence to standards. 
    2. Criteria Examples:
      1. Knowledge Has to be Predictive and or thus actionable. Knowledge Informs us to the Action needed. 
      2. 20 rules of Formulating Knowledge Criterias. Its not just a criteria for how I write, but a critieria to what I listen to, and how I organize my ideas and thoughts. With creativity we can adopt this criteria for many other things – the way various processes can be adopted for other uses. 
      3. Analysis Techniques and Creating Testable Statement techniques
How is this Knowledge Used: 
  1. How I spend my time. 
  2. What do I listen to. 
  3. What Tools, Processes, and Methodologies do I develop/work on.
In Real Life Practice
I realize through these G+ posts and such writing I can be less talkative in real life because I get rid of the bunched up issues that “Squat” on valuable attention When they occupy attention they incline me to ramble. PURGING attention frequently through note taking, and procedural methodologies in dealing with information need to be more reliable and robust habits. 
I notice when Someone doesn’t have this and they ramble on (at work) – it weakens my own process and my own ability to SHUT UP and get shit done. lolz. It leaves us Both wasting our time and worsening things. 

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