I updated the Gaming List document to be more actionable. Basically i now added a methodology section as to state how it go about it. My methodology improvement is inspired by my Chinese studies as Grammar and Sentence building is formulaic just like how many narrative techniques are formulaic.
Note that It would take me a 2-3 hour uninterrupted writing session just to update all of this, among all the distractions I’m juggling. So you’re going to have to wait a long while before I input: Narrative Combat Techniques – Heuristics and Procedures so that the gamers can best describe Combat in as fewer words and as little time, while maximizing its effect and engagement. These next tools is designed to educate and train ME (or any other gamer who wants to collaborate) to be able to describe action scenes (i’m drawing from my favorite authors Christian Cameron’s and Bernard Cornwell’s simpler techniques that I can formulate).
After reading all those books on Gaming, some have processes, few books give Actionable knowledge beyond the most basic Technique: Yes and/but/or… I will hope to correct that and give gamers Framing, Narrative, Influence, Inquiry, Analysis, Ideation, and Problem Solving procedural techniques for their game. These are techniques meant to be learned like a language – recalled and formulated without thought because of the Spaced Repetition System and Active Recall exercises.
The methodology is written so that:
Collaborators can feedback
Identify steps, sequences, or elements that have reliability or risk issues.
to improve on the methodology
Collaborators can use the same methodology
Identify steps, sequences, or elements that have reliability or risk issues.
to improve on the methodology
Formula, Definition, and Examples
The formula, a grammar like algorithm, will be given and its elements given definitions. In this way, like Grammar, it is a procedural processes that can be exercised and trained. Gamers who want to get better can try to exercise plugging in variables of the algorithm and working them into a narrative or descriptive or immersive exposition.
Actionable Knowledge
Giver readers action and a way to adapt to feedback and new information. Action first, then we discuss the theory where supporting experience, knowledge, and information can be organized along the theory for analysis and evaluation.
Untestable Thesis
Echo Chamber or Circle Jerks
Study Time
As each of these techniques are exercisable, they all depend on the use of Active recall.
Anki Deck of GMing Skills
There will be an Ankideck for this created so that gamers can work on this. The Methodology of Formula, Definition, and Examples allow that Spaced Repetition System and Cards can be created to exercise these techniques.
Challenges for the Anki Deck
Random Elements. The knowledge presented here is best used with randomly generated elements that can be filled into the formula’s variables.
Interim solution. There are many random word generators that can be used along side the anki deck. The Gaming Skills deck can be physical (as index cards) and the phone can just host the random element generators.
Interim solution. There are many random word generators that can be used along side the anki deck. The Gaming Skills deck can be physical (as index cards) and the phone can just host the random element generators.
Core Skills and Heuristics are those that are prioritized, as it has the most utility/usability and reward for the time spent learning them. The differentiation of Heuristics and Skills is so that end-users can break down a skill into component heuristics they can train in, and bundle into a skill for the future.
Heuristics are simple formulas or processes. Typically they are:
What limited resource is spent by the action?
a condition and action,
Example would be
Listen to the (other)players and say “Yes and/but/or…”
What limited resource is spent by the action?
Example would be
Listen to the (other)players and say “Yes and/but/or…”
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