Index Card RPG

I’ve discussed Index Cards as a key tool for RPGs before. I’ve not had the inspiration or the framework to make a fairly complete system until I saw +Matthew Isom‘s post of Index Card D&D. This is the resulting product.

What has Changed and Why was I able to do this now?

  1. Mathew Isom’s system was great Scaffolding/Framework to start with. 
  2. I learned all that Lean techniques at work inspired me to engineer the system differently. 
  3. I learned to set Goals better, SMARTER,  and various other Analysis and Problem Solving skills have matured to get me through most of my mental blocks.
  4. My Goals Have Changed
    1. GMless is the ideal. But how do we do that? 
      1. First Break it down to Encounters and Scenes (which I’ve droned on an on about). 
      2. Learn Pacing. This is a Process Heuristic. Knowing how to build up conflict and expectation. An example of a Pacing Structure (this is not the only one)
        1. Work with Assumptions and Expectations. Work them in. Say Yes-and or Yes but! 
        2. Turn those around. Do not let the “Plan survive Initial Contact!” Complicate and Compound. 
        3. Resolve – Through Change, Development, Learning Something new, Coming away with something Different. 
      3. Keep Tight Feedback loops. You can begin with Any Process! There is no wrong answer BUT you need feedbackloops to correct and adjust and adapt. So Start something but COLLABORATE=FEEDBACK. 
        1. Ideas without Feedback is masturbation lolz
    2. FUN AS YOU GO! Do all the stuff while having fun!
      1. Learn as You Go!
      2. Having Fun in the Prep! BUT involving EVERYONE in the Prep!
      3. Have fun making Characters as you go!
      4. Immerse as you go! 
      5. Do the stuff, but the stuff is FUN! 
    3. Give the Players Scaffolding. Things are more fun when we dont have to worry about balance and fairness. 
      1. Give a Benchmark or use a Testable Statement. (the lack of testable statements is why we have bad laws lolz). 
    4. Keep it Short and Simple. 
    5. Leave Room to Collect Feedback! Have a Reference Document to keep track of suggestions and feedback. 
  5. Well I kept track of my failures lolz. Keeping a blog or documenting as I went basically allowed me to be able to say what was different between then and now.

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