Leaner Habits and Reflections

So I would like to have an update on my quest to make my habits leaner. Whats changed recently is I’ve been trying to keep logs on Work and Personal. But my key challenges are the following:

Key Challenges of Logs

  1. Note Taking efficiency and Speed. Note taking takes time and I need to develop my own notation system to embed some other meanings and allow me other details out that may be important. 
    1. So far TIME is something I need to take note of more. 
    2. I need to identify and define “DISTRACTION” time. Non-productive time and figure out how to avoid it and how its triggered. Some distractions, like Blogging, is actually good because it reinforces my commitments and my habits. 
  2. Awareness to Take Notes. I keep forgetting to take notes. 
    1. Forgetting my notebook is one of the challenges. 
      1. maybe I should keep two notebooks at all times? 
    2. I should start with the last productive thing I did. 
    3. Identify the time I wasted distracted. 
    4. How better I could use that time would follow the Distraction. This way I can count how often I fail and this issue comes up. 
  3. Habit Forming Review. Not only do I have to set things up as Deliberate Practice, but Try to collect information about my activities with the goal of nudging them to have better ones. 
    1. Trigger, Routine, and Reward. 
    2. Identify my bad habits. Or Identify my distractions. when I’m distracted and how much time I’ve lost with distraction. 
    3. A useful list of Conditioned responses would be ideal. In the format of Trigger, Routine, and Feedback/Reward. 
    4. 66 days or 20-120 days to make a habit.
    5. Crafting Good Triggers. 
      1. It needs to be well defined and clear. 
      2. Easy to remember. 
      3. Built into the environment or in the tools and equipment. 
      4. Need to research more into this.  
    6. Crafting Rituals/Routines and Responses. 
      1.  Identifying Points of Failure or Unreliability for performing the Ritual/Routine. 
    7. Setting Up Feedbacks and Rewards. 
      1. Points of Failure in the Feedback/Reward loop. 
  4. Always make time (and budget it) to think through these things. For me, its multiple ways, either talking about it to a recorder, writing about it, and researching other ways. 
Thesis or Guess Predictions. 
  1.  I will have a multifaceted habit (if I make progress) like my gaming was. Its probably going to be something like this blog. there is research, progress feedback, updates, and documenting strategies and experiments that all feed into this blog material. The time that is reflected in this blog reflects my efforts in self improvement. it becomes my feedback mechanism and to be able to measure my progress and activities. 
    1. The way Gaming got me into all the life skills I have now, re-working all that to be itself still Gaming in mindset but taking on more life and professional skills review. 
  2. It will get harder and more confusing before it gets any clearer. That this is going to be like ramblings and updates before there is any cohesiveness in the posts. 
    1. All crooked thoughts will be displayed and wrong theories regurgitated and mental loops displayed before being thoroughly eliminated. 
  3. It would be a few years before I get back into TRPGs proper. 2013-2015 would be the last years of gaming I would have until I run again. And running games would be different- either running games that deal with self improvement.
    1. Running Games in mandarin 
    2. Running Games about high difficulty levels that challenge agency and problem solving. 
    3. Games that serve the purpose of agency reinforcement and problem solving exercises. 
    4. Not anymore the classic TRPG game that just is out to have fun, but having fun with mental experiments and exercising key skills in the Minds Eye. 

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