1.the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.“you can find bargains if you have the patience to sift through the dross”
synonyms: forbearance, tolerance, restraint, self-restraint, stoicism; More -
2.chiefly British term for solitaire (sense 1).
So today i must be patience since I’ve had some delays. My fragile system is thrown out of whack and I must weigh how best to use my meager resources to get the job done. Prior what I do now I brute force try to get through the day at tremendous cost and stress, and go on a binge of shit and more problems.
My approach is daoist – in the sense I dont force it. I do what I can with diminished resources and set a much lower bar (in what is a humiliatingly low bar lolz). Anyway I’m pissed at the weakness and i have shit to do and already I have made great sacrifices: my gaming and airsoft, but life is always going to ask for more if one wants more out of life.
So I got to be patient. I got to channel that energy to documentation and having a plan the next time this delay happens. that I have my priorities and with the handicap I do X and try to manage Y.
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